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I'm not sure I have a solution for you, but just prior to my UC flare I had a heck of a time with dry skin, including a terribly peeling nose. It was almost as if I shed a layer of skin on my nose daily; I felt like a snake. Looking back, I do believe that problem was connected to my UC, given the timing of my diagnosis and the fact that I wasn't using anything else on my skin at the time. UC suffers can develop skin problems. However, I should mention that I had a similar reaction years ago when I used a product containing retinol, so an allergic reaction would be something to rule out as well. Your issue definitely sounds like an allergic or inflammatory process, especially with the itching. A dermatology referral may be helpful. In the meantime, stop EVERYTHING you are using on your skin--i.e. soap, facewash, creams, even make-up and shaving gels (if applicable!). Switch to a mild cleanser, like Spectro Gel, which is hypoallergenic and recommended by most dermatologists. For the itching, you may also want to try an OTC cortisone cream or ointment, along with a moisturizer specificaly for dry, sensitive skin. I hope you can get it sorted out!
I spent all summer changing up laundry detergents, buying new eye shadows, mascaras, cleaning make up brushes more than normal, buying all new make up brushes, buying different and more mild face cleansers and lotions, etc. etc. while thinking all along.. what if it's related to the many years of UC (which.. is now gone due to having a jpouch) but complicated a bit by a later diagnoses of chron's (which I am for the most part, ignoring this diagnoses, except to think, that yeah, it could occur and rear it's ugly head sometime, but I'm not gonna worry about that right now).. and that the dryness, itchy, patchy weird stuff going on with my eyes and then disapearing and then reappearing was related to chrons.

So, I FINALLY went to a dermatoligist and yep, he said, oh it's exzema and here's a vaseline like ointment, but much better, that you should get and put on when you have a flare and yep, once they find a cure for Chron's and UC, they will find that all these auto immune diseases are linked and will be able to help everyone.

Long and short?

go to a good dermatologist. If you get a good one, like I did, a one time visit, with a perscription for this magic ointment will have you smiling in no time. GOOD LUCK!!!
I had this problem with itchy scaly skin on my nose as well. I went to one dermatologist after another most of whom suggested I try changing shampoos, soaps, after shave or other such nonsense. Finally I went to one that prescribed Desonide lotion (.05%).

About 24 hours after applying that stuff, the scaling and itching was gone. It's not gone forever though, it comes back every few months and is usually associated with a flare up of my pouchitis. So now, I just throw some lotion on my nose and the itching and flaking is gone the next day.

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