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Hi. I am a (fairly)young mom of 3 small children. I also homeschool.  My days are full and long. In November , 2015, I had the BCIR by Dr.Rhenke in FL. I have never felt like my body has totally accepted the surgery but I had a bag a year, and would not want to go back to one if I didn't have to. I have had alot of pouchitis,  and severe ongoing iron def. anemia which only developed since I got the BCIR. I get frequent iron infusions of 2000 mg. My concern now is I seem to be experiencing incomplete emptying of my pouch, and excessive gas on a frequent basis. When  I look at the catheter I am using, it looks  slightly bent when I am done near one of the 2 holes. This is new and I am wondering if internally part of my pouch has shifted,  or externally (to the pouch that is) I have a small hernia on top of it pushing on it???? I do get to empty my pouch but sometimes it's 3-4 attempts over an hour....I sometimes feel real weak when I am done...almost like my blood sugar has dropped. I also have nausea now about an hour after meals. My GI,  a liver expert, said it's probably an over production of bile from my liver. Any insights? Would greatly appreciate!  Also, gas x does not seem to help.... I also want to mention, I am a fairly healthy eater which makes this whole thing even more frustrating....

Last edited by Pressing On
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