My pouch was done in 2004 and almost from day one I was taking 2 Immodium pills 4 times daily to slow things down. That's a whole lot of Immodium, almost 3000 every year. I occasionally reduced the amount when taking other meds like antibiotics or statins because they also slowed things down. Recently I had hernia surgery and to prepare for it I thought pooping might be easier if I added Metamucil because bearing down was going to be difficult and anything that softened things up would make it easier. It was a life saver. I've continued the teaspoon every morning and with that I've cut down the Immodium by 90%. I consider myself a fool for not at least trying it out years ago.
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Yeah it's funny how you don't learn of psyllium husk until after it's too late.
Let me tell you, it was a lifesaver after the hernia operation and would be after any type of abdominal surgery. To bear down on exactly the area of the surgery is not only painful it's difficult for the brain to locate the muscles needed to poop. With Metamucil I did the Indian "squatting" thing and voila!
Good story. When do you take your morning teaspoonful? Is it before or after breakfast, and do you adjust the dosage if breakfast has a lot of fiber -- oatmeal or banana for example?
Sometime between 9 and 11, and no, I don't pay any attention to what I'm eating.
I think of Metamucil/Psyllium Husk as the long time friend that you know you should really stay in touch with, but sometimes do not. Lately I have been staying in touch. Like NYC Googler I use a teaspoon daily.
I was lucky that my surgeon suggested Metamucil upon my hospital discharge. It’s certainly an easy and very low risk thing for any J-poucher to experiment with. A teaspoon is a fairly low dose, and trying various amounts up to the dose suggested on the packaging can be worthwhile to find the sweet spot. I hesitate to be specific about the dose, because the different formulations (e.g. sugar-sweetened vs. sugar-free) contain different amounts of psyllium per unit volume.
@Scott F posted:(e.g. sugar-sweetened vs. sugar-free) contain different amounts of psyllium per unit volume.
I am not sure if you know this but Metamucil now offers a formulation sweetened with Stevia, which is a natural sweetener:
I got the 23.1 ounce bottle at Walmart for much cheaper than what is shown above. I think it was $14.99.
I put it in OJ and never even notice the taste.
almost 3 years post-op, discovered Metamucil and it has truly been a life saver. makes dealing w a pouch a lot less stressful.
In the immortal words of my school yard youth, "Damn straight!"
Does Metamucil capsules work as well as the powder?
No idea as I'm a newbie when it comes to the various forms of Metamucil. Give it a try, it can only do you some good. Just start slowly and find out what your body needs.
I'd read - studied really - this post and many others about psyllium husk powder/ Metamucil and a while back gave it a try for a few days during a gap in antibiotics. Didn't work for me then.
Several weeks of rifaximin later, I was feeling better but still leaky! Probably an issue for me as a result of mucosectomy (appropriately) performed initially. While discussing this issue with my doctor, his analogy of the pouch as 3rd floor swimming pool, without a second floor rectal cuff, leaking through directly to the first floor, got me thinking back to posts describing just how absorbent psyllium is.
So I returned to it, still on refaxamin, taking 1 tsp psyllium husk in a few ounces of water twice daily, with excellent results: improved control, fewer bathroom trips, no daytime leaking. And sleeping better and longer.
Psyllium husk is a friend I'm going to stay in close touch with @CTBarrister. For the first time in 8 months I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I so appreciate everyone who posted about their experience with it, giving valuable advice in this chain and elsewhere. This is really an invaluable forum.
It's hard to work out the best dose .I started taking one teaspoon a day and noticed a improvement so started taking as the label said three teaspoons three times a day but not sure if it's the same or better and I remember my surgeons assistant saying up it too tablespoons but then I read too much can cause lead poisoning. I read konsyl had a court case over the lead levels.
I now take a small teaspoon anywhere from 10AM to 3PM and supplement with Imodium. I've found it dissolves better in apple cider than OJ. I'm really happy with the results. Pieces of Poo, Pieces of Poo. Yeah!
I love my metamucil. My botched pouch didn't like it so much but since it's been repaired I can't live without it. I really love metamucil fiber thins in the morning with my coffee or tea.
I like the smartbran cereal, which has a similar effect.
I usually take it just before main meals (or any snack that’s not low residue). I have a teaspoon mixed with minimal water and gulp it down a few seconds before I start eating. Smooth only.
The Meta Mucil Fiber Thins have made my life so much better. They thicken my stool. I have two with my coffee in the morning. Then two after my evening meal. Or during the day when I think I need to thicken things up a bit.
I always carry some with me when I am away from home. I recommend them highly. Three different flavors.
I can be bothered so I just mix up a large teaspoon in OJ or Apple Juice every morning and that gets me through 24 hours. Great stuff.