On the 28th I had my last stage operation done to remove my ileostomy and connect everything again. Post op I was great could walk, eat and very little pain. I was able to pass stool the first day of surgery and could hold it in if needed I would say average 6-8 times a day over my 3 day hospital stay. However when I got out yesterday I began feeling constant pressure and need to empty my pouch. Every time I tried to go little came out while other times a decent amount did. I would say I went about 20 or so times yesterday with not many of them being successful output wise. Also butt burn is really bad I have been dabbing with baby wipes and trying to use soothing creams but its still pretty rough. The pain from this is confusing me as I do not know if I actually urgently feel the need to go to the toilet or if its just the same pressure and slight discomfort I felt in hospital but seems worse as there is pain now. I feel like I could hold in if needed but feels extremely uncomfortable. How has this gotten worse since being in hospital. I know its still very early days but im just worried. Is this normal at all.
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