I have an appointment with the consultant/surgeon this month , for the first time since the takedown surgery in june 2012 , and could really use some advice as to whether the symptoms i have are normal for a relatively new poucher , or if there are specific things i should be highlighting to him /insisting he deal with ?
Overall i have been happy with the pouch and its definatley a fair improvement over the UC that hospitalised me back in early 2011 , however i have a few issues:
Urgency; i have a feeling of rectal pressure that comes in waves , when i go to the toilet undoubtebly there is something there , but i would not classify it as enough to signify a full pouch. This leaves me in a position where i dont like being away from a toilet for too long in case i have to go , even taking the dog for a long walk causes anxiety a bit as i know its likely i will have to fight these pulses
Incontinence; not complete incontinence , although complete night time accidents have happened , but i have to sleep with padded paper between my cheeks and there is always something on it .. also i have issues even during the day where this pulsing pressure on my rectum will push a tiny amount between the spynchter muscles and spot my underwear ..
Itching; This is not a constant , but every now and again i get this crazy itch right inside the rectum and i would itch it like mad if i could.
Bleeding; spotting of toilet paper , might just be abrasions from wiping so much ?
Regularity;I was expecting to go alot , but at times , especially at night , it can be every 30-40 mins and wakes me and sadly SWMBO up hourly through the night

pain very occasionally (maybe 4 times) i have had what can only be described as a sharp pain inside my pouch near my rectum when passing stool
A couple of things of note , I had a course of antibiotics when I went to Egypt that appeared to reduce the urgency somewhat , however these caused even worse night time incontinence !
I have removed dairy from my diet in an attempt to trouble shoot the issue , but sadly doesnt seem to have any real effect.
I have been getting on with life since takedown , but after reading some of the stuff on these boards i wonder whether i have 1 or maybe numerous issues such as , cuffitis/pouchitis and maybe a spastic pouch ?
I have made a note of some of the drugs mentioned in previous posts such as lomotil , donnatal , bentyl , levsin etc . I have been to see my GP about these issues , but he says he cannot help as it would just be him experimenting and i need to see the consultant , but getting to see him has taken some considerable effort on my part , i only got a follow up appointment after phoning the stoma department nurses and asking if it was normal not to hear anything in over a year after being released from hostpital , and asking who i talk to for advice/issues with the pouch.
Anyways , thanks for reading and hopefully someone has some words of wisdom/advice for me
