saw my surgeon one month ago for a follow up visit, mentioned to him I have been on and of flagal for suppose pouchitis, from my G.P over the last 12 months, been in hospital for blockage. When I saw him I was having signs of it again, so he has put me on a 3 month course of flagal. he never did a scope of look to confirm, I mentioned how sick I get so he has me on 200 mg twice a day. I am still going up to 17 times a day to 10 times, but am wondering about back pain going up as far as shoulder blades a throbing and ackeing pain pain meds not helping, is this connected to pouchitis , and is the antibiotic does to low ? I wonder if this does is not strong enough to help and letting it simmer, have appointment on Monday but would appreciate your thoughts. my G.P is not very knowledgable on J.Pouch problems, I often tell her what is said on this site which she appreciates.
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