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I've been trying to eat less meat lately and jackfruit is a common pork substitute. Do any other J pouchers have experience with it? It seems pretty fibrous. Is it likely to cause a blockage? The only food I ever had a problem with before is corn. That's the only thing I know I can never eat again. But a lot of other vegetables that I was told could cause problems, have actually been fine for me to eat.

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I've never tried jackfruit, but reading your post, I looked it up. I think I'm going to look for it in the grocery store. It sounds interesting in the least. The site I looked at had a bbqed pulled pork type sandwich recipe. We are all so different, something that works for one doesn't work for all. Maybe buy it and try just a little bit and see what happens. That being said, some of us do have to watch fibrous foods. Just FYI. Of you try it, let us know how it went. 


@Aimc posted:

We are all so different, something that works for one doesn't work for all. Maybe buy it and try just a little bit and see what happens. 

+1- This is basically a great response for any of the "Is it OK for J pouchers to eat _______?" threads that invariably pop up on this board.  There is no one size fits all approach.  In my case, I can eat or drink anything except red wine, although whether certain foods get excreted completely digested is a separate and different question.

Simply put, trial and error is a process everyone has to go through on their own with foods, and with treatments, because everyone has a different and highly individualized response.

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