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I was diagnosed with FAP as a child and had an IRA (Large bowel removed but Rectum remained) in 1996 with a temp Ileostomy for 6 months.  I then had the best 22 years of my life, near perfect control of my bowels without loperamide, certified scuba diver, traveled the world and got married.
October 2015: I had a relatively new procedure called a mucosectomy of my rectum, this removed the mocosa layer from the rectum which stops polyp growth.  I needed this done as I had thousands of polyps by now and the chances of Cancer in one of them was too great a risk.
Unfortunately the healing process as taken 9 months so far much to the surprise of my Surgeon, my symptoms are frequent loo visits excess 15 times a day, feeling empty and then full within minutes, soreness around the back passage, possible acidic stool, depression etc
I use Metanium cream to help with soreness as a barrier cream, take 4mg Loperamide 30mins before a meal.
June/July 2016: I had 2 Pancreatitis attacks as a result of gallstones, July 1st I had my gallbladder out.
I am starting to really think that my quality of life is a dismal and really wondering of getting the ileostomy.
My surgeon is pinning his hopes on the gallbladder causing all my problems and sometimes my stool doesn't hurt but other times feels acidic our a burning sensation.

As for waiting, I'm trying to hold out till October as that marks a whole year of trying but if I'm frank my depression is not helping. I've not managed any of my hobbies even a trip to the cinema usually ends with 2+ trips to the loo.

Another symptom I have is being unable to finish a meal without an urgent loo visit, literally cannot hold it in for too long.

As a child with my temp Stoma I cannot remember what it was like nor can my parents unfortunately.
Can anybody offer advice/guidance 
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