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Just after surgery I experienced an episode of excruciating pain which I believed was butt burn.

It was explained that the skin at the tip of the anal canal was unable to tolerate the bile acids of the guts and in time it will eventually subside, which it did.

During my takedown surgery, a dilation was performed and I believe such a procedure causes tears within the anus and I'm wondering whether any such tears plus the bile acid was the actual cause of my pain.

Since takedown, every so often I've experienced a frustrating anal itching and burning, initially it was so severe it created the urge to go, which only made matters worse.

I've used Ilex Protectant Paste since takedown, initially using far too much, applying it all around the anal area, which certainly wasn't practical. I discovered only a very small amount of Ilex Paste is sufficient and I have since been applying it within the anus with tremendous results; I've even been able to pin point an area within that appears to cause all my discomfort.

I don't need to use the Ilex Paste on a daily basis now, I haven't needed to for some time, just as and when required.

I'm wondering whether this is what other forum members are experiencing, thus small tears (fissures) within the sphincter or anal canal rather than the Diaper Rash like Butt Burn which I envisaged ?

Last edited by Former Member
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I'm four years out and I still experience this issue. I do have fissures and they bleed on and off and I often get that burning and terrible itching sensation especially at times when I have to empty the pouch. Mine is also located more on one side thN the other. I know use calmoseptine but still struggle with the bleeding at the very end of  the anal canal.

User instructions state Ilex is for external use only but from my own experience the paste can be used within the anus, I guess too deep and it may be uncomfortable.

If your disconfort is deeper, have you considered using Suppositories ?

Last edited by Former Member

It is possible that you have pouchitis or an infection. If either one of these, taking Cipro for 10 days  and Flagyl (both antibiotics) can help reduce discomfort. In addition, if you are able ot stop spasms of the sphincter, then healing can progress. I get a prescription of a petrolium jelly based solution mixed with nefedepine. 


I also use calmoseptine as a barrier, which you should be able to purchase at your local pharmacy. I find calmoseptine to be superior to Ilex Paste.


Hope this information helps.



My surgeon told me that extreme itching in or around the anal opening is caused by seeping or leaking of liquid b.m. even if we don't see it.  Keeping the area clean and as dry as possible seems to relieve the problem.  After cleaning the area, using a barrier cream of choice helps to keep the area clean and safe from contact with liquidy effluent.  Being vigilant helps. 

My point was..... rather than what we think it maybe..... is the itching, discomfort and/or pain, actually caused by tiny tears around or with the anus.

From own experince, I'm guessing, a tiny open wound, scratch like, maybe more than one or many in such an area and exposed to the bile acids, either most of the day and during a BM, could be the actually cause of the dreaded butt burn....  rather than the diaper rash type skin condition I read of.

When I've experienced the itching and burning sensation, I've checked and there's no leakage.

Most of the time I use toilet paper and I only use wet wipes to cleanse when I've applied the Ilex paste or if I've had an accident.

Last edited by Former Member

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