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I first noticed this about 4-5 years ago when I was constantly thirsty despite drinking plenty of water. At that time I estimated I was drinking between 6-8 liters a day, every day.

About 3 years ago I went to see a GP about it and he just said since it's summer I'm probably drinking more because the weather is hot. I told him I drink the same amount during winter as well. He just ignored me and probably assumed I had exaggerated the amount of water I had been drinking.

Earlier this year I decided to see another doctor about it. This time around I kept a record of how much I actually drank and sure enough, it was indeed between 6-8 liters a day over a 2 week period. The doctor said drinking this much is most definitely not normal and asked me to get some blood tests done. Everything came back fine.

I saw a third doctor about this and had some more tests done, but once again, no abnormalities at all. He just said it's probably a dry mouth problem which I can alleviate by spraying water in my mouth. I tried that, along with some Biotene products such as gel and mouthwash for dry mouth sufferers but none of that helped. I am still drinking heaps of water and constantly feel thirsty all the time.

So it basically comes down to the J-pouch then. I know my surgeon said after my operation that I need to drink much more water than a normal person, but I didn't think it would be this much! (This was about 20 years ago btw).

So I am wondering how much do we J-pouchers drink on average? If 6-8 liters isn't normal then what do you think could be causing the problem? I can't even leave the house these days without bringing a bottle of water with me because I feel like I'm dying of thirst!
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Due to a recent hospital admission due to acute kidney failure, I've been advised that
a healthily hydrated J poucher or colostomist should consume enough fluids to cause urination of at least 3 times per day, I guess during a 8 hour period.

The colour of urine produced should be of a very pale yellow, a straw like colour, any darker, then drink more.

So, if consuming fluids which causes more than 3 or 4 bathroom visits per day, then maybe you are drinking too much.

Drinking too much fluids can be dangerous too; not so long ago, I believe a London UK marathon runner died due to consuming too much fluids.

Last edited by Former Member
I'm not a big drinker; I have 20oz of coffee in the am and don't drink again until I go to the gym where I will consume about 32oz of water. My diet is high in water; lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. I think we all have varying needs. I do know that since surgery I drink a lot more while engaging in physical activity, but not when sedentary.

Sue Big Grin

Only 3-4 bathroom visits per day? I go WAY more often than that. I've never kept a record how often, but I usually urinate along with my BMs and also urinate separately several times a day, so I would estimate about 10 times.


Would you be able to estimate how many liters you drink per day? I also have a bottle by my bed and sometimes wake up because of extreme thirst.

@Scott F

I just had a look at some sites about Primary Polydipsia but all of them seem to be too scientific and full of medical jargon which I do not understand. But I will be sure to bring this up with the next doctor I see.
I drink what I consider a "normal" amount of fluids for my output...
I have 1 small glass of juice, 1 water and 2 mugs of coffee in the morning then about a glass of water/lemonaid or coffee/tea every 2-3 hrs. More when I work out.
I figure it to be about 2 litres tops a day. In the summer I increase cold fluids and in winter hot fluids. I always drink a glass or 2 before bed 2.
I am a 'average' size person.
My best friend is a 'mini-sized-person'. (under 4'10" less than 90lbs.) She drinks 2-3xs what I drink. Starts each meal with 2-3 huge glasses of ice water, year round plus at least that much between meals. She must drink 5-6ltrs/day.
But she sweats tons too. She says that she feels like she is going to wilt if she doesn't drink that much and has a tendancy to faint.
No other health problems, no kidney is just her body.
So I guess that if there is nothing wrong with you other than all the fluid intake then it just might be the way you are built.
Dad always said that you don't fix it if it isn't broken.
I have a 32 oz water bottle. I try to consume that daily, plus my other incidental drinks (4 oz of juice or something similar; and also, lol, a 4-6 oz of red wine, on occasion Smiler

Some days I drink the 32 oz plus. Some days, it might be 28 oz. I get thirsty easily, I have super dry eyes, and I get dry skin in the winter easily, too... and if I get ill in a GI sense, I get dehydrated fast. But overall, 28-40 oz of water seems about right for me, in a day.
Have you tried drinking less? Have you ever become dehydrated? Are you on any meds that can cause dry mouth?

So called "Habit Drinking" is essentially a mild form of Primary Polydipsia. It more or less means drinking a lot of water habitually, and peeing it all out. I don't know what your labs showed, but they were presumably thinking about Diabetes Mellitus or Diabetes Insipidus.
I am very keenly aware of the need to hydrate properly with the J Pouch. After a bout with food poisoning a few years ago, which caused vomiting and diarrhea, I dehydrated very quickly to the point of passing out.

You don't need to drink a set amount of liquid per day and that type of analysis is foolish and will get you in trouble. If it is hot and you are exercising you need to drink more water. If you drink alcohol you need to drink more water. If you are sick you need to drink more water. If you are having diarrhea/watery bowel movements you need more water. This is all common sense. If you stick to a "set regimen" during such events, you have a secret ER trip wish.

The urine color test is a good guide but when I start to dehydrate my body sends me little messages and I know it. I will start feeling dry in the mouth and start feeling slightly crappy. I always carry bottled water with me when I travel, as when I take the train to New York City.

This past Saturday night, a group of friends and I went to a baseball game and rented a private indoor box where we mostly ate, drank and told stories. I did about 8 shots of "Fireball" (cinnamon whiskey) which I washed down with various mixed drinks. Due to the relatively large amount of liquor I consumed and the color of my urine, I knew that I would have to drink lots of water before going to bed. In fact I got up during the night and drank two bottled waters. In the morning I felt fine, no hangover, had my normal cup of coffee with breakfast and then felt great. I believe that many or most hangovers are caused by utter stupidity in not keeping oneself hydrated.
Last edited by CTBarrister
It seems like an inordinate amount of fluid to me...if I am calculating it correctly. Six to eight litres a day is 24 to 32 cups per day - cups not ounces- as compared to, for example, rachelravin's 5 cups per day. Since you have been doing it for so long and you've been checked out by your physician, I guess that would rule out issues (diabetes?) etc. I don't know kobe, it just seems like an awful lot. No suggestions though, sorry.
@Scott F

Thanks for explaining Primary Polydipsia in laymans terms for me. I have at one point forced myself to stop drinking but the thirst becomes unbearable and my mouth becomes dry to the point I can barely even talk. I'm not on any medication at this stage, except for some probiotics and supplements.

I've had three blood tests regarding this issue and one of them was for Diabetes, the other was for some sort of Thyroid problem? And something else as well, I'm not usually good with these medical things, but maybe I should have asked the doctors to explain to me what they were looking for.


That's pretty much how I've treated this 'problem' over the past 5 years or so. But the doctors really do emphasize that drinking 6-8 liters a day is most certainly NOT normal which has me somewhat worried.

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