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5 weeks ago I had my second of the three stage surgery when they create the J Pouch. I feel pretty good and everything the surgeon said would happen has and I my pouch is working about once a day passing the normal mucous as it should. My problem is that whenever I sit down I have an irritating but tolerable discomfort and the longer I sit the more it seems to bother me. When I stand up,walk or work outside or in the hose it feels much better and it does not bother me much when laying down either. I was scoped 2 weeks ago and surgeon drained some leftover surgery blood and said the pouch looks fine. I am going back in two weeks when he is back in the country because unless it is an emergency he does not want anyone else messing with his pouch (lol) I heard surgeons were that way. Other than sitz baths anyone have any ideas? FYI, I feel fine noi fevers jst still al ittle fatigued from the srgery.

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I was going to suggest you take your temperature every evening to monitor for fevers (evening will be when it is the highest normally), but it looks like you are doing that. Since you are following up in a couple of weeks, things should be fine, even if something is brewing. The fact there was pooled blood that needed draining may mean an abscess could develop if some remains. But, time will tell.

My first signs of a presacral abscess was pain when sitting. It gradually increased until it was like a hot poker.

Jan Smiler

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