Does anyone irrigate with something larger than an empty fleet bottle? I have to do multiple of them a day, and multiple at a time.
For example, in the morning, I go poop about 9 times over 3 hours. I can't do much else during this time, and have to focus on making the poop happen. I have tried to speed things up with gentle laxatives, coffee, et cetera, and it doesn't help. It is my dinner coming out from the night before. Each poop is in a small amount. Usually near the end of this debacle, I take a few enemas to finish it off so I can move on with my day.
I have a mutliple-doctor team, including a motility GI. I asked her about that and she said perhaps I could try irrigation but she isn't sure if that would help or even work. I know the small intestine keeps moving, but if I could just flush ALL that contents out of there in much less time, WOW! I would feel amazing!
I called Coloplast and talked about peristeen but not sure it is a good choice. I do not have a j-pouch but am ileorectal anastomosis. But does anyone do this, where they do a large volume (my GI guessed 500 cc vs the 100cc of a fleet bottle, might work, but she was guessing)? I am going to ask my surgeon but I want to be more informed before speaking to him.
ANY insight would be great.