I didn't realize I was iron deficient but I knew something was wrong so I went to the doctor for a check up. While my blood was at the lab I got a letter from Palms of Pasadena saying that I might now be suseptible to anemia. A day later I got a call from my doctor saying I needed to get to the hospital immediately. I don't remember exactly what my levels were (this was several years ago) but he said my red blood cells were a quarter of their normal size.
I went to the hospital in Munich but they wanted to run a whole battery of tests. They were not impressed with my letter from Palms. After two days of this and still no iron, I basically said forget this and left, booked a flight to florida for the next day and was gone.
Once at Palms, they gave me two bags of blood and a gram of iron in an infussion. I felt terrific afterwards. Amazing what a little mineral can do for you.
Since then I have taken 100mg of Iron (I think it's called Ferrenol) a few times a week. I've been doing that for years and that works just fine. I've had no side effects and my stomach tolerates it well.