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Hello everyone,
I recently found the forum and it looks like a great resource for discussion and support! It's great to see both jpouchers as well as folks with ostomies on these boards.

A little about me: I've had a ileostomy for almost 20 years. I was diagnosed with UC at age 8, had a colectomy at age 10 as well as the J-pouch surgeries. Unfortunately, my j-pouch was problematic from day 1 (abscess and pouchitis). I had surgery to return to a permanent ileostomy when I was 11. I am now 30 years old, recently married, and enjoying life!

I was curious if any of you ladies have had experience with peritoneal inclusion cysts (cyst caused by ovulation fluid "trapped" in pelvic adhesions.) When I was 18, my doctors found a large fluid collection in my pelvis and diagnosed these cysts. No one seemed concerned about it, but they did recommend going on birth control to suppress ovulation. I went on birth control pills at that time and had no symptoms of the cysts.

I recently went off birth control as my husband and I would like to start trying to get pregnant soon. Since I've been off the pill, I've been experiencing pelvic pain and will be having a pelvic ultrasound later this month.

If any of you have experience with these cysts, I'd love to speak with you. I'm nervous about how this will affect my fertility and (fingers crossed!) future pregnancies.

Thanks in advance, and I wish you all a happy, healthy 2014!
Original Post
My daughter, age 22, was diagnosed with peritoneal inclusion cysts last year. She had a colectomy with jpouch formation and diverting loop ileostomy 12/2011. She has not yet had her takedown due to complications (initially an abscess that took almost a year to clear up) and then PIC. She has had multiple drains inserted, as the PIC caused severe pain while walking, with intercourse, and pain after peeing. Birth control was never suggested, but I read something about it, so the docs agreed to put her on it, but felt it probably would not help. They felt if the cysts got bad again surgery was the next step. Wish I could help with your fertility question, but she is not at the stage of wanting to get pregnant. This seems to be a fairly rare complication.

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