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UC began 1997

Gallbladder removed 9/1999

Step one 1/13/2000

Step two 4/18/2000

Re-dx'd with Crohns ≈ 2003 

Meds taken:  Imuran 100 mg per day, Culturelle


I've been doing somewhat good until February of this year.  

In February, I was having ear/jaw issues and didn't feel good and then my Mom died.  It was sudden and completely unexpected.   My father is now a widower at 75 after 54 years of marriage and combined 58 years with dating.  As he put it, they were Adam and Eve.  

A week later, my sister was sentenced to non-prison consequences due to "another" DUI (she is a prescription drug addict).   She was not then, nor is she now, doing the right thing.  She is still playing the game.  

A week later, my daughter revealed to us some issues she and her husband had been battling and it was bad.  On top of several other issues, her husband was trying to force a move to Tennessee.  As my daughter has Aspergers Syndrome, the stress of this was incredibly huge.  

My job has been the most stressful this year of the eight years I have been there.

Needless to say, my body has been exploding with stress.


First it was the ear/jaw thing.  I seem to have more control of grinding my teeth at night and clenching my jaw.  The pain is easing and when it rises, I talk myself down.

The I had a lovely bacterial vaginal infection.   A round of Cipro seems to have cleared that up.

Next was left ankle pain and swelling.   I thought maybe it was the Cipro and it would go away.

Next was left ankle pain and swelling along with left wrist PAIN and minor swelling.

And finally a partial blockage that I've been babying since Saturday.  I really must learn to catch the signs sooner so I don't eat sushi and make it worse.  

After many popsicles and "easy" foods, now I am having pretty painful upper abdominal pain.  It happened yesterday for the first time that I really remember.    It felt like I hadn't eaten in a month and that I had a huge air bubble that needed to escape.  After a few more popsicles and bread, it seemed better.

Today as I was ending my work day, the pain in my stomach/upper abdomen started again.  Again with the bubble feeling.  Before I left school, I took a painkiller (hydrocodone 5/325).   It started at around a "5" and by the time I got in my car to go home, it was an "8".  I made it home and ate an ice cream sandwich.   

I just took a pretty hot bath and combined with the painkiller, I am probably back to a "5" and my right side feels "full".   

I seriously don't know what to do next.  Do I go to the ER?  Do I wait until the pain comes back?  I need to drink but don't know what to drink.   


Any suggestions?  Jan?


My GI is not on my insurance right now but I have an appointment with my surgeon on Friday at 3:.  I'm not sure I should wait that long.  Not to mention that my wrist is starting to really be a problem.


Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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Wow, you have a lot on your plate and mega doses of stress going on.


My first thoughts include considering a Crohn's flare, gallbladder trouble, peptic ulcer, or even any combination of those. Arthritis symptoms would point toward a Crohn's flare. 


I would contact your primary MD and get the ball rolling on some tests to help narrow the diagnosis. He could order appropriate bloodwork and refer you to an in network GI for ordering x-rays and other tests. He can confer with your regular GI as needed.


But, bottom line, it sounds like you need evaluation. I'd avoid the ER unless you really feel it is urgent. Otherwise, prepare to spend a lot of time only to be told to follow up with your primary.


hope you get to the bottom of this soon.




Goodness this is not a good year for you at all (the understatement of the century)...I am so sorry.

Start by sipping (not drinking but tiny, regular sips) of hot (green) tea, prune, pomegranite, apricot  or grape juice, warm lemonaide (lemon, honey, hot water)...heating pads, hot baths etc...also you need to walk and gently bounce on your feet/toes...I find that the up & down movement helps.

If you have a pilates ball you can drap yourself onto it (on you back, not front) and roll gently from side-to-side or back & forth...I have found that all of those movements helped. Like Jan said, ER is the very last resort...They tend to not help that much...unless it is a surgical emergency.

Take good care of yourself...Baby yourself a bit...your body is telling something...Time to listen. And cut out any and all unnecessary have had enough!




Thanks ladies!


I went to my doctor today.  She did an abdominal x-ray and took blood (4 vials!!!).  She is checking my sed rate, white blood count, etc.


Because she is not my GI, she encouraged me to follow up asap with a GI (a new one - yuck!).    


The waves of pain in my upper abdomen are horrible when they hit.  I was awakened from a dead sleep just after 1:00 this morning for a round of "rip it out!".  


Doctor said if the pain continues - yes - go to the ER.  I called a new GI and the only appointment they had open was Monday at 12:30.  It's not convenient and I didn't take it but I called today to try to grab it.  I will call tomorrow and pray they answer.


New clue:  abdominal pain does not occur when laying on my back or side.   Something is not right!


I don't worry so much about going to the ER as it will (a) get me to see a GI sooner and the GI I want is associated with the ER I would go to and (b) maybe they could get the pain under control.  Then again, there's always (c) - no work for a couple of days.  Of course, we have plans for Saturday but it involves being upright and walking a LOT.  


I sadly foresee surgery soon to figure this out.  NOT pleased at all.


Thank you for your input and please continue to share it.



I ended up going to the ER at 1:00 a.m. Thursday morning.  The pain had awakened me for the second night in a row and I could not get relief.


I got a shot of Dalauded (spelling?) and a nausea med through the IV.  Very little affect to the pain but it made me happier about it.   lol


After blood work, UA, and CT scan, no kink, twist, or blockage.  UTI infection.   Somehow that can cause pain under the ribs.


Walked out of the ER around 6:30 a.m. with a script for Cipro, Tramadol, and a nausea med.  I didn't fill the nausea med as my nausea is not a problem.   I'm not sure if Tramadol is working or not.  I still have pain so it makes me wonder.  Luckily, I know the Cipro will work.  


I got a note keeping me off work until Monday.  I can't sit at my desk with kids going in and out neither sleeping no crunched over with pain.  


I do have a GI visit on May 14th.  I anticipate an upper GI.  I hate barium!  Cannot drink it.   I may have to beg for sedation and an NG tube.  


Thanks for your input.  First time in probably twelve years that I've had a major issue other than an allergic reaction to the Zpac...and it turns out it's not even the pouch.


Yikes! That is a lot. I have had a UTI before which hurt like the dickens; not exactly how you describe, but still.


Isn't it annoying to automatically think everything is connected to the pouch? I sometimes forget that other medical things go on as well. And sometimes I get really annoyed about it, thinking "don't I have enough to deal with??!?"


In any case, I hope you get some relief very soon.



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