Hey, all. I've been healing up GREAT since my ileo reversal in May and have had absolutely NO more signs of the fistula. Got the green light for exercising in June and have been walking & stretching regularly. Started jogging a bit and doing some weight-lifting; was feeling really good!
While on holiday last week -- lying around on the beach all day! -- I started having a sharp pain in my ab, just above the stoma scar. It's not the scar itself, but just above and to the right, inside and not on the surface. It hurts with any "straining", sometimes when walking, and when changing position. Putting pressure on it (like when going to the bathroom) helps relieve the pain. Today it was really sore when I got up and I hesitantly went for my morning walk, starting out slowly -- by the end of an hour, the walking seemed to have lessened the pain.
I can't feel anything specific around the site and have no signs of a blockage. My husband said he could feel what he thought was an internal stitch right at the site of the pain; possibly infected or stretching?
Sunday we leave for a week of camping during which I'm running a children's program for about 90 kiddos; I'm tempted to just take it easy right now and deal with this after I come back. But I'm also worried that the possibility is that this is a hernia and could be dangerous...
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