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Hi all,

I am curious how many have had incisional hernia surgery and what your story is. I saw my GI today for a check-up and he kind of brushed off my concerns and said "if you really want, you can have it surgically repaired" and left it at that. I get these moments from 2 minutes-3 hours of what I can only describe as horrid "pinching" attacks.  I can't move when it happens or it pinches more but it really hurts and makes me feel like fainting and stops me in my tracks. It always passes though. It happens both where my ostomy scar is and lower down where I had 4 abscesses when I had surgery. I kind of want it fixed but he seemed pretty "whatever" about it. What were your experiences with incisional hernias?  Thanks.

Last edited by duck11
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I am on my second jpouch and I had a small incisional hernia appear where my ileostomy was closed 5 months after I was hooked back up. I went to a general surgeon that was familiar with my many surgeries and complications. We waited several months to make sure everything was calmed down and healed until I had the hernia surgery. My doctor did an open onlay procedure with mesh. The chances of it coming back without the mesh is over 50% and leass than 10% with the mesh. He stitched up the defect and then tacked in the mesh on top of the hernia so there would be the least amount of chance for contact with the intestine. I can actually still feel the edges of the tacks since I am still thin. The surgery was 16 months ago and all is good so far. There are risks with mesh so do your own research. My GI was not happy about me getting the mesh due to having an autoimmune disease(UC).. He said there is more risk of the body attacking the mesh and causing more issues.


I have had quite a few to date...about 6 or so at the last count not counting multiple repairs during the same surgery.

I guess that I just manufacture them!

The first few were open repairs that did not seem want to heal on I ended up with repeat mesh now my whole abdomen is just one big patchwork. But it holds or is holding.

The surgeries were easy...Sort of like a cakewalk compared to pouch surgery or revision surgery.

But it is still surgery, general anesthetic and at least 1 night in the hospital (they keep me for 3 just in case).

If it is bugging you or causing problems then yes, I would have it repaired but I'd talk with a specialist first before diving in.



Long time jpoucher....I finally had to have an incisional hernia repaired about 8 yrs ago...about 10 yrs after my last take down surgery and it wasn't a big deal. Like the previous poster said...fairly simple compared to what most of us on here have endured.  I've felt like it's opening again but without insurance I'm just dealing with it for now and trying not to aggravate it. I get intestinal "kinks" at times but can usually just move easily and stretch a little to relive the pain. I'm thinking this kind of thing just goes with the territory unfortunately.

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