I have had UC for 30 yrs and have been in remission off and on thanks to remicade for several years but experienced a reaction twice-on my 59 and 60th infusion. I can no longer receive it and don't want to try tysarbi. Nothing else has worked. Looking into the J pouch surgery. I live in Indianapolis and would like to go to the Cleveland Clinic. I have no idea on DR's or surgeons. I don't feel comfortable asking my current GI because every time I mention it-and I have at several office visits she gives me the worse case scenario included with a "don't be so vain" comment. I have been online trying to get as much info as I can and have read some pretty positive outcomes. I just need a push in the right direction. So if I can hear some input on those that have had the J pouch surgery, whether they had 2-3 step surgeries, surgeons, GI's and outcome-I'd really appreciate it.
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