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Today I know I ate more then I should have. I have been doing great. I even got a job. But right now I have pain and a lump under my right boob and right across from my belly button. Do you think it could be a blockage starting? I have been going, matter of fact it is very watery. I am just not sure what is located on the right hand side. It sure does hurt and I can feel the lump. I have not had this before so I was wondering what everyone thought and what can I do if it is a blockage??? I am 2 years out and the last 3 months have been great. Still on meds but no other changes. Other then eating to much today.

Oh please help. I have no idea and I don't want to go to the hospital as our deductible is almost $6,000.00 and we are still paying off last years bills to the hospital.

Thanks so much
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Hi Grandma,
So sorry for the pain...not sure what it is but it could be your galbladder if you still have one (can't remember anymore)...sounds awfully familiar...but your liver is right there too and there are all sorts of rapported pains...
If you still have your galbladder start by having that checked out (if you have pain in your back or shoulder it could also be a sign) for blockages the rule is stick to fluids, stay hydrated, walk it off and use heat (heating pads help)...
Whenever I have a partial or total blockage I roll around on the swiss ball trying to stretch things out...doesn't always work but it is worth the try.
Any fever? Nausea? Vomitting?
If so, get thee to the ER...
If not and it is tollerable try to ride it out (my limit is 28hrs before I call for help...but that is just me)...
Hope that it passes quickly.
Hey Grams,

I've had a number of blockages since my takedown surgery 14 years ago (at age 30). I've never sought medical help for them..... maybe I should have. The first several - in the couple of years after my takedown - were very painful in the abdomen and I just drank water and laid on a heating pad for 24-36 hours before it passed with a lot of watery stool and frequency for the couple of days following. Good to drink Gatorade and eat ripe bananas (potassium to stop muscle cramps all over your body) to rebalance your electrolytes, etc.

I've had several in the last year, largely due to dehydration from fibromyalgia medication, but also eating things that can contribute to blockage scenarios (rubbery mushrooms on pizza, larger pieces of green pepper on pizza, garden squash that was tough and didn't digest at all, the normal roughage stuff). I went 12 years without really worrying about what and how I ate (avoided the heaviest, raw roughage) then bam, major blockages. I got to the point of vomiting several times.... basically when it stops going down if there's enough in there it's going to come back up. Puts me out of commission for 4-5 days when that happens. I'm being much more careful about what I eat now and staying hydrated.

I'm a little de-sensitized to the vomiting thing b/c I had to have my stomach pumped for 2 weeks after my initial surgery due to bacterial overgrowth and the back-up/vomit scenario similar to blockage. I don't think I've ever had fever with my blockages. But have def had nausea and vomiting.

I never had any "lumps" but you definitely get hard spots where it's backed up from the pressure. Part of me says get the lump checked out and part of me says water, heating pad, and give it 48 hours Depends on if it's really a lump (protrusion) or just a hard spot. Mine has always been on my left side.

Be very careful of what you eat until you feel no more pain and stools start to normalize. It's easy to prolong the recovery by getting back to normal diet too quickly.

Hang tough. It's quite painful. Sorry!
Thanks everyone!!! I had a blockage. I drank grape juice small amounts at a time and then it finally gave way. I think the lump was a blockage. I used heating pad also like everyone said to. I know I ate to much. The GI doctor told me today that it is from the frutose that makes the grape juice work and flushes it through. He showed us the information on the internet. It was so neat to see. I will say those blockages sure do hurt Frowner

Sure appreciate everyone helping me out Smiler
Almost 2 years out this October and had a few partial blockages. I ride them out as well, painful as it is, but I too have high deductibles and our of pockets. But to add to the regimen, try hot tea! With in I'd say a few hours I've had relief by drinking this, as hot as you can stand or even plain hot water.

Soak in hot tub temperature baths on your left side, really helps to get the stool moving and not embarrassed to say but I've had such horrible pain from the blockage and was soaking, felt the urgency and let it out while in the shower because I wasn't about to lose that urgency and the possibility of relief just to get out and run to the toilet. That's how bad the pain gets and after your first partial or full you definitely will know from then on that your having a blockage.

I second guess my food intake all the time. I feel for you and glad you found relief, non of what comes with these diseases are fun!

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