Thanks Jan, everyone.
Friday morning at rounds we made an agreement; after the cardiac CT and the arteriography, if all was clear then I could escape.They wanted to give me a weekend pass and get me back Sunday night but I wasn't having it.
The results were perfect, nothing to report and the Halter results came in just in time...there were a couple of Asystoles during the night but that's it. So they released me on my own recognizance! My exit package includes the report and a prescription for a bible's worth of cardiac meds...I will take the aspirin.
As the daughter of an RN I learned that the doctor knows best...and generally, I am a good listener (although my brain is going 1000miles/hr while they are speaking) I was relatively (for me) sedate and cooperative with them.
I just have problems with the 'just in case' drugs...not sure about back home but here they give you Heparin shots daily when hospitalized along with the aspirin against the possibility of stroke so adding Coumadin on top of that was way over the top for me...I have enough medical issues, I don't need someone telling me, 'oups, sorry but that wasn't needed and it has caused a nasty side effect'
I am home now, on my sofa (in a +90° heat wave with no A/C) (it was worse in the hospital...Really no air there) and grateful for the fan...Today I get to make appts for all of my specialists... I am not sure about the meds though, I am taking the aspirin...Can I wait to take them?
The report shows nothing except suspicions of and possibilities of...
I guess I just got myself a free full body work up and a week off of work (although I would have preferred the beach).
Just a side note...the numbness on the outside of my left hand and in my baby finger is still there...hubby thinks that maybe all of the I.V.s in the hand might be the cause so I am waiting but doubt is the residual numbness from the 'attack' on Monday. That is what reminds me that it was real and that I must take it seriously.