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I notice that many of you take Imodium quite a few times a day - in excess of 4 even 6 times a day. I have taken Imodium myself when absolutely necessary. For me, without Imodium, I have about 8 bowel movements a day within a 24 hr period. And that is a good day. Also, I get up once a night. I cannot remmember the last time I actually sleplt through the night.

Most days, I have a least 1 or 2 BM's a day that are watery. The only time I take Imodium for that is if I have a water BM and then 15 minutes later, I have another one.

But my questions are this. First, can Imodium cause Constipattion? Constipation is really tough on my with pain as you know yourself.

Secondly, regardless if I have a BM that is watery, shoud I take Imodium for that too that will cut down my BM's during the day? Or just after I have a watery BM?

It appears to me that many of you are taking Imodium every day. If I knew that Imodium would not cause severe Constipatation, and get my BM's down to 4 or 5 day, that would be great. Although when I had a major Bowel Obstruction in 1999, I lost 32 inches of small bowel due to gangrene. Normal for me is when ever I eat, I have to use the bathroom because I don't have that many feet of smal bowel left. I can hold it in most times, even up to an hour.

Answers to these questions or advice would be greatly apprecated.

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Before I got the J-pouch created, I was going to the bathroom around 12-15 times a day and I would take 2mg of Imodium every 4 hours as needed. Since the surgery, I now only take it after I've had a couple watery movements or when I know I won't be able to go to the bathroom when I might need to, such as on trips. Also, since the surgery I've found that taking too much Imodium will cause me to become a little constipated for a couple hours. And then after it wears off, I'm back to somewhat watery movements.
Wow Rocket I'm so sorry that you had gangrene and lost small bowel as well as your colon! What challenges you have faced!

Immodium WILL definitely cause constipation and could cause an obstruction. I used to take upwards of 6-8 a day with lomotil and wound up in the hospital several times with obstructions, not fun as you well know!

I've had my pouch for 17 years and have not found the magic bullet that makes it ok. You have to face facts, you have no colon. Your body has lost the ability to absorb water from it's stools. Watery will be a way of life for the most part.

After all this time, I have found the best way to deal with my digestive system is to eat little meals and make them very healthy. Surprisingly, juicing has helped immensely.

Sweet potatoes seem to help make my stools more formed but because I have very narrow areas in the small intestine, sometimes can cause gas with pressure. Avoiding dairy is good for me, as is not eating after 6 pm. That elusive nights sleep is very different for those of us with jpouch.

I have found that 4 immodium at night before bed gets me maybe 4-6 hours of sleep in one swoop. That's a rare good night! I guess I have just gotten used to waking every 3 hours or so having done it for so long.

Try some drastic diet changes. Avoid all the "bad things" (you know what they are!) after noon. The fact that you say you can "hold it for an hour" tells me you have good spincter control which is key. The longer you can hold a stool the better your body will become at absorbing water, making your stools less watery. Hope this helps...
Karen xo
Nice Nurse,
Thank you for your input. I saw a Nutrionist about 2 weeks ago and she is sending me to a GI/Nutrionist next Thursday. She said the same things as you as far as having 4 maybe 5 little meals a day.

She mentioned juicing to me too. One thing I cannot eat though is raw veggies and I do miss my salad. I stay away from veggies that cause gas such as peas, culiflower (which I can't stand anyway), brocholli, peppers (which I miss), and sweet potatoes or yams gives me the runs.

I do avoid dairy products such as milk, ice cream, whey, cream cheese, and things like that. I can tolerate grated cheese, butter, eggs and margerine. I use Rice Milk as a substitute. I was using Soy Milk but I developed Kidney Stones after I had passed some stones. Rice Milk as Rice Ice Cream too.

I started taking Probiocitcs last night. From there, and with changes I have to make, I hope I can get from going 10 times a day to 5 or 6.


This GI/Nutrionist is going to give me all kinds of blood tests based on the Nutrionist I saw. And yeah, I do have to make dreastic diet changes which is going to be tough since I have a sweet tooth.

Another thing I crave is Salt. The Nutrionist told me that is so because I get so dehydrated and with the Kidney stones that adds to it. I love salted peanuts, but can't have it. Corn of any kind, forget it.
Zack posted:

I’ve been taking it with every meal for about 16 years now.

One thing I’ve found is that I have fewer, “better” trips to the bathroom on days when I get good exercise - especially a long run.

it literally makes a world of difference for me. Something to think about.

I totally agree with the exercise part, when I am active and jogging, my pouch and bowles in general are much better behaved VS when I am more sedentary. 

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