Most days, I have a least 1 or 2 BM's a day that are watery. The only time I take Imodium for that is if I have a water BM and then 15 minutes later, I have another one.
But my questions are this. First, can Imodium cause Constipattion? Constipation is really tough on my with pain as you know yourself.
Secondly, regardless if I have a BM that is watery, shoud I take Imodium for that too that will cut down my BM's during the day? Or just after I have a watery BM?
It appears to me that many of you are taking Imodium every day. If I knew that Imodium would not cause severe Constipatation, and get my BM's down to 4 or 5 day, that would be great. Although when I had a major Bowel Obstruction in 1999, I lost 32 inches of small bowel due to gangrene. Normal for me is when ever I eat, I have to use the bathroom because I don't have that many feet of smal bowel left. I can hold it in most times, even up to an hour.
Answers to these questions or advice would be greatly apprecated.