I've had post-operative ileus. It sucks. The crappiest I've ever felt in my life (including severe UC and 3 major surgeries) was when I had ileus. Honestly, you probably should be in the hospital as this can be a life-threatening condition. As for the course, ileus typically has to resolve itself and it usually only does so with time; typically the prescribed treatment is bowel rest (ironic, I know, considering your bowel isn't moving), but you should be NPO (which means nothing by mouth - no food or even water). If you are vomiting a lot, you will have to be on an NG to drain the stomach, and since you can't eat or drink, you'll need to be on an IV drip to avoid dehydration.
If you continue to vomit, develop a fever, have severe pain, or any signs of dehydration (dizziness, very dark urine or no urine at all, cramping in the arms and legs, etc) PLEASE return to the hospital. I was in once for 5 weeks straight and it was AWFUL but it was where I needed to be.