My 4 year old has an ileostomy. We are set to reconnect to j-pouch on July 16th. Her output has been very watery and yellow the last couple days. She has been eating pretty good and drinking well. I have gave her peanut butter toast on potato bread, bananas, Mashed potatoes, chicken, chicken salad sandwiches on buttermilk bread, hot dogs cut up well. She has been taking 5mls of immodium twice a day. I can't get it thicker or even browner. I am concerned with absorption. Am I doing something wrong. When she had UC she was always constipated badly. I have now gone completely to the other end of the spectrum. I am afraid to keep bulking her up bc of the blockage fear. Any advice? She drinks a lot of water about 8 8oz glasses of electroyte water daily.
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