C-section with ileostomy is common, and I actually would recommend it, even without the breach presentation, because of your desire for a j-pouch in the future. Each vaginal delivery can weaken the sphincters, so as time goes on, your risk for incontinence later in life is an issue. Usually, it is not much of an issue, because most women do not need super strong sphincters. That is because they don't have chronic loose stools (common with j-pouch).
You are not at any greater risk of nicking the bowel now than when you hd a colon. The incision is low, horizontal, and along the pubic bone. The expanded uterus is up front, with all the bowel behind. Your ileostomy is off to the side.
I had both of my pregnancies before j-pouch surgery. The first was a c-section for frank breach presentation. No problemo, and I was awake with an epidural. Delivery number two was vaginal. BIG baby...I had 4th degree lacerations (tearing completely through the rectum). I healed up nicely, but now have cystocele and rectocele 25 years later from the obstetric trauma. So far, I am OK, but I do have concerns for later on.
Regrdless, there is NO WAY that a breech vaginal delivery would be safer than a c-section, even with an ileostomy. I am sure you already know that. I don't even know if there are OB's that would even do it now.
You can have your colorectal surgeon on standby for a planned c-section, in case something comes up. But, much better to to the c-section.