Some of you may have seen this my earlier posts in another other thread. I thought I got hit with a stomach virus last weekend, because I had the onset of very acute diarrhea, and I was feeling somewhat fatigued. Over the next several days I continued to have very liquid stools and a very gurgly stomach (mostly around my old stoma site - not entirely unusual for me, but the frequency and loudness of the sounds was), but otherwise felt physicall fine. I was taking imodium for a few days (as many as 4 per day) but stopped Thursday night. Anyway, stools finally started looking like they were firming up Thursday evening. They remained more solid through Friday. However, last night I was hit with horrible cramping (but more in the upper rather than lower abdomen), extremely loud and persistent belly gurgling, and I wasn't passing very much other than gas and small amounts of stool. I was also burping. I passed more stool this morning, and my stomach is a little quieter. Not much cramping today.
Is it possible that I've had a partial blockage all along, rather than stomach virus? I've had blockages before but they haven't presented this way. Also, I don't really FEEL any blocked area. I've upped my fluids but all I'm doing now is peeing.
Of course, being the weekend there's nobody I can call. Thankfully things seem a alittle better today. I really don't want to resort to the ER if things get worse. Not to mention, my family is overseas until the end of the month, so if I had to go in, I've got nobody to come and feed the cat. *sigh*
Also, I just had my 6 month follow up with the GI last month--he's going to think I'm a hypochondriac if I bug him again so soon.
2013 has been a crappy year for me. :/
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