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So on occasion I take a half a gummy bear (5MG THC) at night when it's so unbearable I can't even handle it anymore.  I'm talking 15-17+ bathroom trips a day, raw bottom, bloat etc and I kid you not it clears it up every time.  I don't take it every day. I have maybe 5-7 stashed in my house for those emergent times where modern medicine fails me. Last bout was 21 plus days of 15-17 bowel movements a day. Severe dehydration, having to keep barrier cream, gloves, 15-20 pads in my purse at all times, and getting written up at work for missing too many shifts. it works for me in that capacity. don't see myself increasing or making it daily unless I can't figure it out  with diet restrictions and other meds  

I come from a very bad genetic pool as far as addiction goes. My bio father was strung out on every kind of drug you can think of for 20+ years. He's clean now but so messed up mentally it's hard to be around him. My bio mother was a drug addict who did every drug under the sun and eventually was killed due to that drug use. I was adopted by my aunt. To say we have addiction issues in the family is an understatement. I'm VERY cautious about over indulging on alcohol and have only ever done marijuana in this capacity. I was very worried I would like the high, but with taking it before bed I don't feel funny. I just sleep hard and wake up hungry.

I think there's still a lot of stigma surrounding THC but if you can get past that, it's worth the try! I wish you luck. 

I have been using a high CBD strain, and it has been a life saver. Do some research. It helps with inflammation and keeps me relatively pain free in my joints and bowels. For the bad days I have a few strains with THC and CBD. It is absolutely the best thing for sleep, and helps with pain. As I said in the beginning do some research and you will be surprised how many Doctors and Surgeons are saying it is the best option for mild to severe pain, inflammation, and sleep. 

Funny how during many years of illness, being admitted into and treated at various hospitals, none of my Doctors suggested cannabis.

Nor during any of my flare ups when losing so much weight within weeks, running to the toilet 15-20 times a days to pass what looked like pure blood which stank to high heaven, did the desire for cannabis ever enter my mind.

Everyone who uses cannabis claims it's not addictive, yet they can't seem go without it; using it first thing in the morning before driving to work, then 2, 3 or more times through out the day before driving home, through-out the evening and even waking during the early hours of the morning to have more.

It may not be addictive like Heroin but it's addictive.

The world has finally opened its eyes to the dangers and damaged caused by smoking tobacco, which Hollywood and the cigarette industry thrust upon us, lets hope the same mistakes are not made with the legalisation of cannabis.

Who wants a world, 20 years from now, where mental health issues are as prevalent as smoking related illnesses are today.

It always seems to be users of cannabis who claim obscure reports justify its use.

I guess the scientist and doctors who wrote the report in regard to the treatment of morning sickness of pregnant women believed the same with Thalidomide.

Last edited by Former Member

I was begged by my husband to try cannibs.  I was so desperate for relief.  I would only take it before bed because I didn't like the "high" feeling.  In my opinion, taking narcotics is much worse for your body and the addiction potential is much higher.  I felt like I had a baseball in my rectum, and the running to the toilet constantly throughout the night was making me want to die.  The cannibus relieved this feeling for me so that I could function.  I never became addicted.  I haven't taken any cannibus since I had my colon taken out, but I am thankful that this plant was there in my time of need.

Strange you really need to read a little closer. 

Not everyone is addicted. Not everyone drives while intoxicated. Most of us are educated about the benefits and the drawbacks. My doctor in California suggested it almost 4 years ago to me and it took me this long to even try it.  

Don't discount others because of your close minded thoughts on it. If you choose to not use it. Fine. That's your CHOICE. Let other people choose what they feel is necessary for their illness 

Becky18 posted:

I was begged by my husband to try cannibs.  I was so desperate for relief.  I would only take it before bed because I didn't like the "high" feeling.  In my opinion, taking narcotics is much worse for your body and the addiction potential is much higher.  I felt like I had a baseball in my rectum, and the running to the toilet constantly throughout the night was making me want to die.  The cannibus relieved this feeling for me so that I could function.  I never became addicted.  I haven't taken any cannibus since I had my colon taken out, but I am thankful that this plant was there in my time of need.

I also didn't like the high feeling so i took it at night. I make sure I'm not home alone with my 7 year old, and that my husband is home as well.

to me the side effects of narcotics are so much worse. I was going to the bathroom 15-17 times a day sometimes more. I literally tore my pouch and created a fissure from pooping so much. I was at my wits end. I was on antibiotics, steroids and narcotics. Nothing even came close to touching it. I finally asked a friend who has severe anxiety if I could bum a gummy off of her. I took half and it was like night and day how I felt afterwards. Now I keep a small stash at home for those REALLY bad days when modern medicine fails.  

Im glad it worked for you.  

RollinwithnocolonJH posted:

Strange you really need to read a little closer.

Not everyone is addicted. Not everyone drives while intoxicated. Most of us are educated about the benefits and the drawbacks. My doctor in California suggested it almost 4 years ago to me and it took me this long to even try it.  

Don't discount others because of your close minded thoughts on it. If you choose to not use it. Fine. That's your CHOICE. Let other people choose what they feel is necessary for their illness

I dont need to read a little closer.

I've not discounted anyone thoughts, I've expressed my thoughts on a forum post that I and everyone else on this forum has been invited to respond to.

A forum member can't ask for a groups opinion on a subject and expect all opinions be in agreement.

Forums members who support the use of cannabis shouldn't turn against or attempt to belittle the opinion of others.

I'm pretty certain the senior management of cigarette companies, Hollywood movie directors, producers and the money men of the movie industry are all educated people.

As too are the Doctors, Chemist, and Scientist who recommended pregnant women take Thalidomide for morning sickness.  

So too were the Doctors, Scientist and specialist who recommended that blood taken from "skid row" donors was safe, which infected recipients with Hepatitis and HIV

Yet, they all got it wrong

The Hollywood movie industry made a man smoking a cigarette appear cool and a women sexy; lung cancer or cancer of the esophagus is certainly not sexy or cool.

It took 50yrs  maybe longer for the western world to realise the dangers and damaged cause by smoking and also the effects of passive smoking.

Cannibis use is associated with mental health issues and suicide, especially the more potent variety such as skunk.

The consumption of synthetic forms of cannabis can cause a crystal meth type hypnotic trance like state.

None of the medication I've taken for my illness during years of treatment has caused such issues, not even the steroids.

You explained how as a result of drug addition, your Father was f....ked up and your Mother died, which resulted in your adoption and you still support the use of cannabis.

Why should you refer to my opinion as closed minded, suggesting because I disagree with the use of cannabis, medical or otherwise and any other form of illicit drug use that my opinion is wrong.

The vast majority of the worlds population do not take or use illicit drugs and only a very small percentage claim to use cannabis for medical reason, yet they know all the druggie type terminology and expressions, such as "stash, gummybear" etc and such a percentage would probably use cannabis regardless of illness.

Last edited by Former Member

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