I know i would benafit from as support group. I find it so lonely. No one unless they have gone through it understands. I just wish i had some one to talk about it with. I go to therepy but she is a student through a college and its free but she does not have a clue. I am unable to work the last year. So many infections in j pouch everything stopped working and went to Cleveland Clinic. By then had no control and alot of pain. Did a scope and he said because of all the infections that its very sensative. He put me on opium/belladonna and i take a suppository every 12 hours. It has saved my life but now i cant work because the side effects are so strong that i have a hard time doing the littles thing and have to lay down in the middle of the day for over an hour on my left side. I still leak and have accidents but i can deal with that. Its just so hard from working full time my whole life to now not working and loosing an income and now down to one. Took me a long time but i stopped saying it was all my fault ruining our retirment and everything but i finnally comes to terms and know its not my fault. Some things our out of our hands and in gods. I just get so lonely and the medicines make me so tired. I have gained alot of weight due to being home and depressed. I live in ohio and wish so much i could go talk to others and here i know exactly how you feel. And really do my family is wonderful but i dont talk alot about to much. Sorry to ramble just lonely.
Thanks for listening
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