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Hi gang!

Week, here I lay, in Mount Sinai Hospital, mourning the loss of a dear friend, my K pouch, it didn't survive, I awoke from the surgery, more them 10 months. I'd forgotten the hassle of having an ileostomy, so much for my cycling career! I've spent the past 2 days hallucinating, this is, by far, the worst surgery I've ever endured, and the most disappointing as well, now I'm depressed! I need a hug, and a miracle. Dr Cohen told me there was nothing he could do due to the amount of adhesions from previous surgeries, ucks huh?
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Oh Sweetheart....Big Hugs...I am so sorry...I know how horribly dissapointed you are and how unfair this all feels...but I/we want you healthy and out of need to get back to life and having fun again (darn, I want you to teach me to Rhumba!) please, Mourn, cry, be sad, rage at the the unfairness of life, hit a pillow and throw something soft at the wall...and then start healing...but inside and need mourn the loss of hope and your k pouch and the dream of having it fixed...and move on to living that wonderful life of yours...and having a good time with hubby...I just wish that I were there to cry with you and hold your hand...take heart...You are still our Eric and will get past this too.
Love from over here
'Knowing' you, I KNOW you'll be back on the bike and back to the job you love and you'll excel at both. As Sharon said, be angry, sad, cry all you want, and rage at this 'new' phase of your life. But you'll get through it because that's who you are. And you have a huge-arse circle of real and cyber friends who will be with you every step of the journey.

Big hugs and kisses flying your way.

kathy Big Grin
I have been following some of your posts and just want to say I am sorry your surgery did not turn out as you hoped. I can understand how dissapointed you must feel. I hope you heal up well from this surgery and hopefully with some time and adjustment you will be able to be more free than yiu have been been with the illness, surgeries and complications. I know how upsetting the permanence of an ostomy can be for some of us but I can say I have witnessed my father who has lived for over 25 years with one and has not had one minor complication. I wish I could say that for the two years I have been dealing with a jpouch.

Get healed, healthy and all the best to you in picking up your
Life where you left off and hopefully enjoying all the things you were able to do before this hurdle and feeling better while doing them.
eric... so very sorry. And I know you are probably still in lots of pain and have another long recovery ahead of you.
BUT think of this.. once you get through this recovery.. you can get on with your life.. for good.

And you can totally cycle with an ileostomy. Absolutely. I have done it bunches. Even have ran half marathons with an ileostomy. So work on getting your head around that. You can do anything with an ileostomy, absolutely anything. This is now your chance to start afresh doing whatever the heck it is you want to do.

best wishes for as smooth of a recovery as possible.
Thanks everyone! You're right, I'm far too stubborn to just give up, I may growl a bit every now and then, but, at least now I can go shopping without worry about leaking or having to fumble with a catheter in a public washroom. No, it's not what I had hoped for, but seldom are most big things in life, with your love and amazing support, I'll get through this, that, and a boat load of pain meds, for some reason, this one really hurts! Maybe the 6 times I've been cut open? Lol! My sincere appreciation and love to you all,

Eric Eeker
well, Eric, you gave it a good try. Welcome to the permanent ileo club. It's not so bad and I don't see why it would be a problem cycling. I had to go back and get Dr. Cohen to redo my ostomy as it was too short, but now that's sorted and I'm honestly way healthier than I've been in years. I know you'll feel the same way once you recover from this surgery. You'll be on the beach in Cuba again in no time!
Hi Eric,
Just wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry to hear things didn't work out with your Kock pouch. Life doesn't seem fair sometimes. At least you know you did everything in your power to try & make it work. I had an ileostomy for 28 years so if you want to PM me about anything, I'll do my best to help. You have a loving partner whom I'm sure will help you get through all this. Best wishes - Dixie

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