I appreciate all of your support. Thank you all 
WARNING, the following is a rant about my lack of success getting medical attention at home after I was discharged from Mayo Clinic.
I'm going back Monday, 4/11/16, to Mayo for another appointment with Laurie, my wonderful stoma nurse. I had appointments, and wafer changes, with her last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. My husband will drive me the 3.5 hours each way there. Thank God there are reclining seats in our car! I bought an air cushion while in the hospital. The donut type wasn't recommended and this one is much better.
In the midst of all of this I hit a real low. The Friday night after I was released from Mayo's on Wednesday I went to the ER at the hospital where my j-pouch surgeries were over 5 years ago. I was just in there the end of October as well. I handed the discharge papers to the triage nurse and answered all of her questions. She seemed distracted. I have no idea what was going on in there as I was the only one waiting to be seen. I told her I had stitches in my abdomen as well as my rear. I made it clear that I was in pain that my medications were not helping with and thought I was obstructed. After 1 hour my husband asked when I was going to be seen. I asked to be able to just lay down somewhere. No can do as the examination rooms all needed to be cleaned. They would get me in when a room was available. After 2 hours I inquired and was told the same thing. I was in such bad pain I couldn't walk. I came home and took the maximum dose of pain medication and a sleeping pill. I figured I would either wake up or die. I finally got my pain down low enough to sleep.
My surgeon at Mayo's on Wednesday was upset. I should have been taken back ASAP with my discharge papers and the symptoms I was presenting. When the dust is settled I will be complaining to the hospital authorities. I am also going to "fire" my internist. I was switched to him last summer when my doctor got a job with the VA. He is condescending and arrogant. I felt abandoned. The hospital I go to here is great. It is in a large metropolitan area and there are other hospitals. This one has all of my prior surgery and testing information.
I'm finally in somewhat control. Still having too high of output and changing the wafer too often but things are improving. I am getting wonderful care at the Mayo Clinic that is 200 miles away. Hopefully Laurie will be satisfied and the products to use will finally be settled.
End Rant, thanks, I needed that....to get it all out, know what I mean?