I had too many problems that weren't ever going to get better. After several dilations during pouch scopes and under anesthesia I had surgery that diverted away from my j-pouch to a permanent ileostomy. My surgeon thought I should have it excised but I was hopeful the diversion would work. She was right. It needs to go. Her nurse tentatively scheduled it for 3/24/16. I still need to talk to my surgeon about it but she is on vacation. Nurse said it is so complicated, or something like that, that she will only do one surgery the day she does the j-pouch excision. The nurse was looking at my file.
I am dreading this. My husband is worried as he said the last one almost killed me. That one diverted me from using the j-pouch to a permanent ileo and included 3 hours of lysing adhesions on 8/31/15. I got aspirational pneumonia and a nasty UTI while in the hospital then but I was only in a week. He's forgotten the 16 days I was in hospital after my colonectomy due to dehydration problems.
If you have had or know more about this surgery please fill us in. More details should help keep me from freaking out
I already have the permanent ileostomy. My wonderful surgeon at The Mayo Clinic told us removing it could be a worse recovery than my original surgery recovery was.
I just want this nightmare to end I'm in so much daily pain I can't get relief, sleep or do much of anything. It's depressing and my anxiety's bringing on my migraines. This is a good article. It's got a lot of information. One of the authors is Dr. Remzi at the Cleveland Clinic.