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This should be much smaller and easier than the one when they created your J-pouch, so as recovery. I am sure you have explored all other options before deciding to get permanent ileostomy. Relax and have faith and look forward to fistula free future. Wish you all the best!
Given the problems you've described you are likely to be more comfortable after the surgery. The experience could differ depending on whether the J-pouch will be removed vs. left in place. Sometimes the anus is sewn shut ("Barbie-butt"), and sometimes not. You should be clear on what's planned before the surgery.
Pouch removal is sometimes a complex surgery, since the pouch can become attached to adjacent organs. Getting rid of a failed pouch seems to get good results, though, if done by an experienced surgeon.
Best of luck to you; I will be doing the same thing later this year, also due to extremely problematic fistulas. Obviously I have no firsthand experience (yet!) but have been told exactly what Scott has said.
Sammy, good luck to you. I'm so sorry you are going through this, but I truly believe you will feel a whole lot better than you do now. Just take the drugs! Seriously, good luck and be well.
I just want my quality of life to be better, and hopefully find someone that will love me for me!
I had to have my j pouch of 30 years removed due to a recurrence of high grade dysplasia. My surgery involved pouch removal and creation of a BCIR. The surgery went well and I had a full recovery within 6 months. Although this is a somewhat difficult surgery, a surgeon with j pouch experience should provide you with good results. When faced with the decisions regarding my surgery, I definitely wanted to avoid having an ileostomy based on quality of life issues. I was especially concerned about problems with intimacy having the bag, but have read posts of those who have not had problems with that. If you opt for the end ileostomy, you can still get a BCIR or k pouch if the ileostomy does not work out to your satisfaction. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best on your surgery and finding that special guy.
If the surgeons are convinced it's Crohn's Disease they probably won't offer a K Pouch or BCIR.