After being so sick, for so many years, and then having 3-step surgery, 2007 was the beginning of a whole new life for me. I've never felt better - in fact, I never knew what feeling healthy would be like.
After five years of health, my husband and I decided to start a family - but we were worried about infertility; I've heard all of the risks and my surgeon was quick to tell me how many babies he's helped deliver (he likes to participate in the c-section), but I was still worried.
Well, I stopped taking the pill on September 15th; I got my period on September 19th, and we tested positive for our pregnancy on October 18th!
So while I'm only 7 weeks pregnant and a lot can happen, I am thrilled to be able to say that we are pregnant - and not matter what happens, making the choice to make my health number 1 was the best thing I've ever done.
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