Hi, i am pretty new around here. I've been reading things but never wrote anything. So, last August, i was diagnosed with FAP very much likely to become cancer. Had this 3 cm long polyp in my rectum and lots of little ones all around my colon. (its from my dad, sadly he, my aunt and grandma died because of it.)
First, i had radiotherapy and chemo, because of the position of the big polyp. Then my surgeon told me he was gonna try j-pouch, with 2 steps. I had my first surgery on 20th of November last year, waited for 2.5 months with loop ileo and had my 2nd surgery on 2nd of february this year.
My time with ileo was terrible, because after surgery I almost lost 8 kgs and I was already really thin for my age (now 35 kgs.) . And because of thinness, it was impossible for the bag to stay put, i had to change it almost every 2 days. And even i changed pretty often, i always had itchiness and burning on my skin...
So i was pretty excited for my j-pouch but also very much scared of it. So after 3 months, i want to ask you stuff that bothers me. I really hope you answer me
1, sometimes i really can't stop the leakage(like a lot leakage) , even in daylight, in class or in home it does not matter... And it really makes me feel bad because of the smell, sometimes noise and of course because of the disaster on my clothes. So will it stop? I really want it to not happen.
2, what can i do for unstoppable diarrhea?? sometimes it just goes on and on for days whatever i do... i am taking lomotil 3x2 in a day, sometimes take 3 before sleep but not always working..
3, also what can i do to gain weight? I went to a dietician, nothing works, maybe you can tell me from your experiences
Also i know it's not the same for everyone but i am open to every suggestion for try.
Thank you, if you ever take time and answer, also i am not in US so i have no access a lot of stuff, sorry...
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