Hi, I haven't really been present on this forum much over the years except to lurk as a fellow J-Poucher. I am so over this. I have had my J pouch since 1997. The original pouch was done wrong after attempting to do a one step surgery--I ended up with sepsis and a near death experience, almost died. Another surgery to hook up an diverting ostomy and clean out infection . A year and a half later, had to have a total bowel revision after continued pouchitis, etc with another temp ostomy and subsequent small stroke.
It has been one thing after another with hospitalizations, pancreatitis, now possible chronic pancreatitis, 10 to 20 x a day in the bathroom, no sleep, dehydration and cramping and also severe sleep apnea and severe fatigue.
I am also responsible for my mom's care, health and well being (now on Hospice) who has severe Alzheimers over the last 5 years.
I tried to have a relationship, but that doesn't work--ended very badly for me last year. I don't think I can ever be in one--it's too much!
I gotta tell ya, I am just plum tired of it all! I try so hard all the time to be upbeat and positive, to do all my internal psychological and spiritual work, take care of myself, blah blah blah. I have been to naturopaths, nutritionists, healers, doctors, psychics, you name it. It all costs a butt load of money looking for answers--and I am on disability for all of this, so money can be an issue.
The thing is, and I can't really talk to my friends and family about this cause they just get that deer in the headlight look, I am so tired that it feels immaterial to me a lot of the time if I live or die. Yet on my good days, I am in love with life!! I'm a writer, a poet, I blog, I encourage everyone, mentor friends and family and work at being the best me I can be. I have wonderful friends and a lot of awesome stuff to do in life and have had an amazing life full of wonderful stories to tell. Yet I don't travel light through life anymore with all my potions and lotions and pillows and pills and machines. Every time I start to get on top of things or feel good for a few days, I get hit again and have to cancel everything--there is no rhyme or reason to any of it except that like the rest of you, I am missing my colon which creates a domino effect of problems. I am chronically sleep deprived even with the sleep machine between the up and down at night of diarrhea, cramps, incontinence, and pain.
I'm just having a pity party right now. And I know there are no answers really. I am sorry for venting here, but I didn't know where else to go. Thanks for listening!
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