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I have had a colectomy (laparoscopic) on Apr. 13, 2015. I had my jpouch construction done on Jun. 3, 2015. I am now having my takedown on Jul. 29, 2015. I just need advice from people's past experience with this thing, I am 19 years old. I've talked with my doctors and surgeons already but I'd prefer to hear from someone who has experienced this. What should I expect when my bowels awaken? What should I be worried about or be careful with? I'm extremely nervous and I just really want this nightmare to end so I can get back to my normal life. Thank you all very much.
Original Post
First off, good luck. Second, everyone's takedown is different. Hopefully yours goes smoothly and is as pain free as possible. For me, it hurt a lot more than the colectomy did, although waking up without an ostomy was great. I spent about 4 days in the hospital recovering and then another 2 weeks laying around the house till I felt well enough to start doing some things. The first day or so you probably won't pass much, after that it will increase quickly. I left the hospital with about 7 -10 bm daily with another 2 or so at night. Eventually they slow down and become more regular. It takes time and watching what an when I ate helped.

Be prepared for some accidental leakage and irritation back there. Buy a good cream and use it. Bring baby wipes and a barrier cream to the hospital. Take it easy eating foods for a while to avoid blockages. Try some things a little at a time. Chew food carefully, eat slow. Avoid foods that cause gas.

I had some severe complications due to a perforation and infection so I had to have an emergency surgery and another ileostomy done, but before all that, about 2 months after takedown I felt almost normal. I was back in the gym, back on the boat, taking family trips with no issues. So it hurts at first, but it will pass and you can get your life back.

Just to give you an idea, I'm 30 and was very fit prior to my surgeries. I'm a career servicemember with top physical fitness scores and was a competitive weight lifter and Crossfitter. So sometimes things don't go smoothly, despite our preparations.

Good luck.

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