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Jokes about the necessarily excessive use of toilet paper abound in the IBS community, but I am wondering in the real world how disposal is handled. I have read several friends' travel blogs recently where they describe that toilet paper does not get flushed in many places in the world where they have traveled, but that it is disposed of in a pail, bucket, or waste can (whatever you call it) separately. Without getting too indelicate, how does one handle the potential overwhelming aroma of such a system with an IBS condition, or worse, a j-pouch?
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I was on a boat in Turkey doing one of those diving daytrip and horror of horrors, we were informed that there was a 'bin' beside the toilet for the paper etc...I did what most people in those countries do...I used water to rince off the essentials with and then only used the T.P. to dry myself off. Carrying an empty squirt bottle that you can fill when needed for that purpose makes it easier.
Very recently a local Vietnamese restaurant installed a sign in the bathroom that asked us to deposit used toilet paper in the trash rather than flush it down the toilet. It brought back memories of the same practice in Vietnam and China! B.M.s don't smell!!!!! Ever since my J-pouch reconnection I've been blessed with non-odorous poop! Lucky me!
CeeeeCeeee ... how lucky for you! I deal with fish for two days; even chocolate and some fruits don't change much. And am very sensitive to the odors of the toileting process.

I would have to say I would want to carry a zip-lock with me to dispose of soiled tissue so it wouldn't contribute to the ambiance, so to speak. I love the idea of a squirt bottle, but that would not take off some of the very sticky or clingy stuff I wipe. (Ow ... very indelicate subject: sorry.) I use cut-up squares of paper towel moistened with water or Balneol after wiping with t-paper, and that I do bag when I am traveling (not often, and mostly to my daughter's home), along with soiled pads, etc. I am paranoid about leaving any bacteria or soiled items behind where-ever I go!

I was just very curious about how difficult this must be for some, considering the volumes of t-paper I go through. (I also have Crohn's.)

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