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My first post, desperate for advice. After reading MANY of the pregnancy threads I am still torn on what to do for my recently diagnosed hydrosalpinx. Sounds like many avoid the laparoscopic surgery because it can be risky with j-pouch. The idea of putting my pouch at risk is terrifying! BUT I would hate to invest in IVF (monetary, emotionally, physically) without treating it, knowing the decreased success rates. Essure not an option for me. Ladies, who has had their hydro removed/treated or underwent tubal ligation? What was your experience? How risky is it... really? Thanks for any advice! I got my j-pouch Dec 2001, and just found this site... hallelujah, finally people who understand what we go through!!! 





Last edited by Sdd5047
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Way back in '91 I had a tubal pregnancy that 'calcified' and cause a severe infection in the tube. 

I fought the surgery but the HSG showed such a severe infection that I had no choice....

They did open surgery (I didn't think that I could have Laparoscopic surgery with my pouch) and cleared out the tube and the 'opened it up to heal on its own'...(never quite sure what that really meant)...they put me on progesterone for 3yrs to give my ovaries a rest...

Although I was never able to carry to term, I did manage to get pregnant at least twice after that.

You need a great surgeon who understands the limits and restrictions of surgery on a poucher. Being a poucher and woman makes it even more complicated...

I cannot give advice but I can say that you need to talk to your gyn and surgeon and share all of your fears with them.


I have had my pouch since 2004. Had surgery last year Dec 2015 to remove my right tube due to a hydrosalpinx. Turns out my left tube is also diseased but not completely blocked so that was left. Surgery went well my colorectal surgeon was present at the surgery and ended up removing adhesions while they were in there. Recovery went well. Went through several months of fertility treatments following that and got pregnant via ivf and am currently 8 months pregnant. Preparing for My c section next. I wouldn't worry about laparoscopic surgery that's what I had . I wouldn't invest in ivf without doing that first. When they removed my hydrosalpinx they said it was the biggest they had ever seen.... and I'm sure it would have dampened on my ability to ever get pregnant. Good luck. 

I have bilateral hydrosalpinx. My gynaecologist has been wanting to whip them out for years but I have avoided it. 

I'm 53 now, menopausal for 2 years and had a period last month which is the first in 2 years. 

Had an internal pelvic ultrasound today, one ovary enlarged. Waiting for doctors report but I feel something isn't right. 

I really don't feel like more surgery, but I guess we'll see...

Hi ladies

just a long shot after months of searching regarding hydrosalpinx surgery with a poucher.

Im 29 and had my jpouch surgery in 2005, I have had IVF and gotten pregnant but miscarried with my first fresh round and had 2 chemical pregnancies with frozen embryos, finally I'm getting somewhere with a left sided hydro that they are looking into removing prior to starting another round of treatment. After 1 surgeon refusing to operate,another 1 has agreed to...I'm on the waiting list for open surgery as they will not perform it keyhole but this terrifies me! 

My consultant says there is a high risk of infection and bleeding and I know they have to explain the risks but what terrifies me is that while removing my tube my pouch will be affected, have any of you ladies had a tube removed with open surgery without too many problems?

I am sorry for the long post, but do not know where else to look for advice.

I had my left tube tied off due to hydro. They decided to not remove due to risk of injuring other organs. It was done laparoscopic. In and out same day. About a two week recovery... Honestly worst part was waiting for my bowels to wake up after the anesthesia. We also had my colorectal surgeon on hand... Just in case. 


Currently trying to to get pregnant... Fingers crossed! 

Hi ladies

SDD I just thought i would see how things are with you?

I have had a major turnaround from my last post.

I met my surgeon who has turned everything around for me and gave me massive hope and reassurance. He said there was no need at all to have open surgery and he is confident he can remove my left tube keyhole surgery, which i have the date of next week! He does not appear at all worried about my J-Pouch and said it will be easy!

However now the time is coming closer i am absolutely petrified and honestly wondering wether i can actually turn up at the hospital never mind go through with the procedure. He has done an MRI scan of my hydrosalpinx and also my pouch, i trust him and hopefully this will be the end to all of our woes over the past 5 years of trying to concieve naturally and with IVF.

I hope I have a positive story come from this like you guys and to also help others like us ladies in the future who look at this post.

I will keep you updated of my progress x

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