Hello Everyone
I have posted before about me having a large hydrosalpinx on the left side.
I was given option of removing the tube or essure for disconnecting without surgery.
I am scared to have those coils inserted in the tube though this seems the easiest option for now.
I am really scared that they might perforate someday somewhere and then I would need another surgery for that later to remove them .
so another option is disconnecting the tube by mini laparetomy.
Is is too risky to go for surgery ?
I think I would have scar tissue since the tube is blocked at the ovary end and I have a hydro.
But will just disconnecting the tube be a little easy than removing it?
How much chance is there that my jpouch would be hurt ?
I am really scared and confused what to do as I am scared to have essure and surgery .
I still have not tried any fertility treatments yet .
Any information of insight would really help
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