As my luck would have it, Murphys's Law has struck again. I was supposed to have my Hydrogen Test tomorrow, Nov 13 to see if I have Bacteral Overgrowth.
Well, the doctor's office just called me telling me that their machine is broke and it will have to be reschduled at a later date.
This sucks and is really frustrating because for the most part, I am afraid to eat and with Thanksgiviving right around the corner??????
I started the FODMAP Diet this past Saturday and am also trying to stay on a Gluten Free Diet and have felt better. But with the holiday coming, and I am supposed to go into Manhattan on Saturday with my brother, his wife and a dear friend of mine, to have fun, eat well, drink a lot, now I have to do what?
I need some fun and to just unwind, esp with the year I am having.
Thaks for letting me vent.
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