Actually, the safety profile of Humira is better than Remicade. That is because it is a fully humanized antibody (Remicade is based on mouse protein), and is given by subcutaneous injection, as opposed to IV infusion (Remicade), so far less likely to induce an allergic reaction.
The main risk is for infection, particularly reactivation of latent infections, like TB, herpes, or hepatitis. But, if you use common sense, you should be fine.
The other risk most people freak out about was the alleged risk of cancer, lymphoma in particular. But, long term studies have shown the risk to be no higher than the general public. Of course, this could change as these drugs are in use longer. concern is bone marrow and/or liver damage, but regular blood testing stays on top of this. Drug induced lupus can also happen. The good news is that all of these are reversible when the drug is discontinued.
I've been on one biologic or another since early 2005. I get blood tets done every three months. My blood counts and liver enzymes have actually improved over these years!