It's been a while since I have been on here but the latest on my ongoing struggle with Crohns is my insurance finally approved humira. I took my first 4 injections last Wed and honestly I felt great as of Wed night. I slowly started to re introduce foods into my diet with no problems. I thought I was doing great up until 4 days later. I had a piece of chocolate pie and the pain came shooting into my gut like a stabbing knife. I called Mr humira and they admitted that sometimes because the first dose is high, people will get the feeling of remission but shortly there after it will stop abruptly. I was told it could take up to 3 months of continues injections to regain remission. I surely hope that's not the case. Much as I'm sure all of you can attest to, having ibd/ibs can be not only a physically but mentally and emotionally draining disease.
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