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Hi all. I had my J-pouch surgery 22 years ago. 7 years ago I started getting painful cramps so I've been on Humira (and some other biologics) off and on during the last 7 years. It helps moderately and prevents leakage at night. But I noticed that while taking Humira I got the cold/flu about 3 times more often and they last a month each. That really effects my job and feel even worse when I have the cold/flu. I stopped taking Humira 10 months ago for that reason. However, now I have ~12 bowel movements per day and severe cramps twice a week. It's to the point where I barely get my job done and nothing else. I'm not sure whether to go on it again.

I'd like to know anyone else's experience with Humira (or other biologic) with regards to cold/flu.

Many thanks.

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