I agree that Cipro should be used only under a doctor's care, but tendon rupture is quite unusual. I take Cipro every day, and I have more concern about C diff than tendon issues.
I'm not going to get into if your cuffitis treatment or mine is the best or not. The standard treatment of cuffitis treatment does not include antibiotics. The standard treatment of UC is not antibiotics either and cuffitis is UC.
Cipro is a dangerous drug for me to take as I did get c.diff from it when I had a colon and I have had c.diff with my j-pouch so my physicians will not prescribe it for me and I won't take it. It is a great antibiotic for many to take. As with any antibiotic, it isn't good to take one when not needed either.
I take augmentin for pouchitis but not for cuffitis. I believe jeane use to take this antibiotic as well.
At the end of this treatment description link, from the Mayo clinic, for the treatment of Pouchitis it discusses the treatment for "Cuffitis" as being the same as UC with mesalamine (canasa).
I was at my Neurologist's yesterday and we were discussing the potential causes of the neuropathy in my feet. He said it could be from a past vitamin deficiency or medications such as chemo etc. that didn't cause the problem for years. I told him I didn't use any of the strong UC medications, biologicals etc., but that I'd taken Asacol from 1997 to 2010 and was currently using mesalamine, the same ingredient, daily for cuffitis. (Jan Dollar and I had a discussion about it's potential for causing neuropathy a while back as I had read somewhere that it could cause it. The only cases she found in research indicated the neuropathy showed up immediately after starting the use of Asacol and those were decades old cases.) I've read at least one person on here that had severe damage, I think to his colon, from taking Asacol. My doctor said Asacol could be a possible cause of the neuropathy but it is probably a slight chance so I should keep on using it. This was not reassuring at all as he was testing to see if it has spread to ny ankles or if my hands are going numb YET.
I hope you have made your decision of how you are going to proceed with your pouch treatment, procedure or surgery and will soon be feeling better soon jeane.
I will post back as to the hopeful success of the dilation this month, but I am not getting my hopes up that it will be any long term solution. I just have to pull myself up by my bootstraps and probably move forward with advancement hoping it may solve the bulk of my issues and not present new ones (that is the scary part).

By the way, have any of you had problems with the mesalamine suppositories? I don't know why, but the last few days then I have not been able to use them as I start having pain (burning, itching) immediately after taking them and "I need to get it out" straight away!
I honestly feel a bit lost. If I can't take the medication that it supposed to make me feel better, then what do I do? :-(

I hope something I said helps. You need something like lube or vaseline to coat against the initial burn and itch. I think vaseline coats the pouch too much which defeats the purpose of the medication so use lubricant.
My GI gas suggested that if the Mesalamine suppositories continue to not help me, then he will suggest that I try prednisone 10mg suppositories, but to be honest then I dislike y the idea - I have read that there are some severe side effects. Any experience?

Why don't you take it orally and by suppository at the same time - this will bombard it with the mesalamine from both ends, so to speak.
Seriously, my GI, who is at a world renowned institution has never mentioned prednisone in any form of treatment now or in what if possible treatments for the future. jeane goes to a pouch expert, Dr. Bo Shen, at another world renowned institution. I wonder if he as ever recommended prednisone orally or by suppository to anyone of his patients. He has quite a few out of the box treatments.
Have you ever tried the Hydrocortizone suppositories? They are a much milder form of steroid. Maybe if you used them a few days or however long he would suggest then you could go back to the mesalamine and avoid the stinging. I would try that before the prednisone. To me that's like using a stick of dynamite, prednisond, when a firecracker, hydrodortizone, will get the job done.

Best Wishes!
It contains protease inhibitors,I suspect your
mucus layer is thin and digestive protease is
not deactivated,which then attacks the tissue
and dissolves it.
Old Mike

To be quite honest, then I no longer know if I'm better with or without Mesalamine (oral or suppositories), I have so many ups and downs. I just know for sure that it has not made a significant difference for me and I'm more sore if I have been using it, so I'm ready to take the next step, it being Hydrocortizone, prednisone or something else. My surgeon is on holiday and when he is back then I'll move on.
It's been two months of pain, which isn't easy to manage with a good, but demanding job and two kids aged 2 months and 2 years. Thank god I have my very supportive wife ... And you guys :-)
By the way, my biggest problems occur when I'm standing up or walking. Sitting on a chair or lying down then I'm almost Ok. Is this normal or might I have other problems that the surgeon missed when he checked me?
Have you though about a bidet?
After suffering for months I found the best web site, great information on many topics
I bought the comfort shield barrier cream wipes on line, they are wonderful! I used corn starch at bed time, woke up almost healed. I can cut the cloths in 6 pieces they are so big, they are very expensive and not flushable but worth it. I tried every ointment, calmoseptine was by far the worst, baby aquafor the best. I have 20 types, I also have cholsetramine ointment and oral, that was not worth the cost and the oral route gave me more diarrhea. I ended up buying the wipes from shoplet, they were least expensive, if you spend $25 they ship free. I hope this helps anyone with issues similar to mine.
The bidet can make things much worse. I stopped suing mine and did much better. I have a portable that attaches to the commode from lowes, not needed anymore.