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i love when i eat oatmeal. my poop comes out smoothly and i feel good and empty. But i cannot eat oatmeal for breakfast lunch and dinner. So how can I get the same results for each "evaculation" without eating oatmeal for every meal? I tried metamucil wafers, but it does not have the same effect as oatmeal does. the rest of the time when i poop, it is slow-moving, more burning, and not smooth.

Does the act of pooping itself get smoother over time? Or is it always diet related? I am 6 months out.

any tips? thanks!
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I quickly gave up on trying to control my output. After a few months, I really didn't care if it was liquid or formed, as long as I was not having urgency, pain, cramps, or butt burn. I take Imodium to reduce frequency, but beyond that, I eat what appeals to me, and if it causes more liquid output, it does not bother me.

I guess it all depends on what you feel is important.

Jan Smiler
thanks Jan. in my case, there is some urgency, burn, and some spasms. I am 6 months out though. The only time I feel "comfortable" pooping is after eating a bowl of oatmeal. The rest of the day, the poop moves too slowly and burns, even with metamucil wafer. So I am trying to get the output to be "smoother" and "slicker", but I don't know how. is it possible?
thanks.. sounds like that might help with the burn.

What I am trying to accomplish though:

How do you make your stool more "SLIPPERY" "SMOOTH" and EASY FOR IT TO EXIT? I have been able to achieve that by eating OATMEAL. Metamucil wafer does not seem to have the same effect.

Other times my stool is HARD TO PASS.

Any ideas ??????? thanks.
Last edited by fq
Maybe you are sensitive to Metamucil (psyllium can be slightly purgative for some people and an irritant), but need the bulking that it provides, as oatmeal does. Have you tried Citrucel? It has no psyllium and is methycellulose based. I haven't noticed any significant bulking with thise "clear" fiber supplements, like Benefiber.

It is that bulking that helps absorb the acids. Questran absorbs the acids, but does not add bulk. Also, if you take other medications, dosing can be difficult, because it cannot be taken with other medications.

Jan Smiler
No, it shouldn't. That is because bulked stools still are moist. The bulk give something for the gut to contract against that is not irritating, like vegetables. Oatmeal is full of soluble fiber, just like Metamucil and Citrucel. Rice too. But, if you don't want to eat a bunch of carbs all the time, soluble fiber supplements can provide the same bulking without the carb calories. Most post op folks are not worried about carbs, but if you are concerned about too much weight gain, or want less fat gain, or are diabetic, it can be a good choice.

Otherwise, you can eat oatmeal or rice at every meal...

Jan Smiler

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