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Part 1 of 2 part J-Pouch for FAP with temporary  ileostomy bag done in November - Female 105 lbs (under weight) and I lose fluid through rectum, peeing and my bag 😅

how much fluids ( water juice and electrolyte beverages milk etc) daily did your doctor/surgeon recommend to prevent dehydration with an ileostomy/jpoich surgery?

mine said 4L to begin with daily and I really struggle. I’m just wondering what everyone else's said so I can get a better average. 

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Kmiller posted:

Mine was same, about 4 liters. Cant say I always hit but would get at least 3 1/2 in on average.  I tried to just make sure I had a bottle that I could measure and filled it up whenever empty, plus did a mix of propel, nunn, water through the day.

I have such a small stomach and appetite and need to Gain weight so I’m supposed to be eating Calorie heavy 5 small meals every day and I find 4l of fluids incredibly difficult to get into me at the same time as all this food. Help 😭😭

When I felt like I needed electrolytes I would do the pedialyte popsicles. Also try sipping something, even 2 to 3 sips, every 15 minutes or so. You may not get to 4 liters but at least are consistently getting some fluids. Have you tried protein shakes to help with nutrients? Make sure you are getting protein in your meals.

Kmiller posted:

When I felt like I needed electrolytes I would do the pedialyte popsicles. Also try sipping something, even 2 to 3 sips, every 15 minutes or so. You may not get to 4 liters but at least are consistently getting some fluids. Have you tried protein shakes to help with nutrients? Make sure you are getting protein in your meals.

Starting those tomorrow !

Try leaving a bottle or glass of water next to your bed so you can drink as soon as you wake up. Keep a litre jug on your coffee table so it's always at hand. And on your desk, or kitchen counter. Keep a bottle of water in your purse. With summer coming, juicy watermelon is almost all water, and cantaloupe, honeydew melons, can add to your hydration. Try clear broths, and also smoothies with soy or almond milk, ice cubes, frozen fruits. 

Be careful with the protein shakes; if not regularly active or exercising daily; it’s so easy to gain excess body fat, especially in areas, where it’s hard to shift.

Ideally, you want to gain weight from muscle density and not from body fat.

Prior to Takedown, I dehydrated and each occasion resulting in emergency admission to Hospital by Ambulance for IV fluids.

Whilst in Hospital, many of the Urology Specialist advised I should monitor how often I urinate rather than attempt to measure my fluid intake; as a healthy hydrated person should be urinating no less than three times per day.

I only dehydrated to such an extend, as I wasn’t absorbing my fluid intake due to the loop ileostomy; I’ve never dehydrated to such a dangerous level since takedown.

Last edited by Former Member

Heart palpitations could be a potassium deficiency, which can be a result of dehydration but normally only when severely dehydrated, to such an extent that you can’t stay awake.

Potassium is an electrolyte, which should be absorbed from our diet but somehow, either due to a Temp loop ileostomy or the j pouch, we don’t absorb our potassium intake as effectively as those without a bowel condition; therefore, it’s important to also increase our salt intake.  

Hi, I know I gave two other suggestions before, but here's my general take on hydration/dehydration (I have had a j pouch for a little over 15 years.) I am CONSTANTLY drinking. CONSTANTLY. If I don't, I have big problems, including having to go to the ER and get fluids. And who wants to do that? I have a soda stream machine. I DO NOT BUY the soda add on part.. but I love bubbly water. I have a brita filter. I buy small cans of tomato juice and v8 Juice. Once in a while I will have ginger ale. I drink Herbal tea. Sometimes I make a few cups and keep it chilled in the fridge. Chicken soup, Amy's No chicken broth, various other broths are good. I buy lemons and limes and sometimes the lemon and lime juice that comes in a plastic squeeze bottle. I for sure, have that at work. Get some gatorade, although I now prefer the NUNN tablets but right now gatorade or the other drinks with less calories are just fine...MY POINT IS: yes, it's hard to always drink water... but by changing it up and drinking the things above.. the bubble water for sure.. and if you don't want to invest in a soda stream right away, go buy a case of Perrier water or a variety of mineral waters IN GLASS and try it.. etc. etc.  Just keep drinking a variety of things in between the water and you WILL stay hydrated!!! Get creative.. buy some pomegranate juice and put a little in a glass of water!!! Throw some cucumber slices in a pitcher of water and let them sit. Throw sliced oranges, lemons and limes and even strawberrys in a pitcher of water and let it sit! There's a zillion ways to make DRINKING liquids appealing!!! GOOD LUCK!!!

dancing girl. what nunn tablets are your favorite?  I was able to get some at our Krogers on clearance.  

I drink Smart Water but I get the unbranded water.  I have used that since the beginning of 2012 after my very first surgery.  You will always be slightly dehydrated from here on out.  I take my Yeti with water everywhere.  And always take extra water where ever I go.  Good Luck it does get easier.  I was just like you.  They finally sent me home with a pic line in order to get the fluids I needed.  It will all get easier.  Just keep drinking.  

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