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I am just 4 weeks out from my first surgery. I am still so weak that I am beginning to wonder if this is normal. I get dizzy and winded just walking around the house.

Yesterday I went to the movie store to rent movies for the weekend and I actually had to sit down in the store because I starting getting dizzy, overheated and out of breath. It was difficult just getting through the checkout and back to my car.

Is this normal? What should I do to start increasing my strength? I think I am drinking enough but my husband is worried that I am not eating and drinking enough. I haven't had much of an appetite since surgery - I have lost 21 pounds in the past month. This was mainly the weight I gained with all the prednisone from UC so I didn't think this was unusual but I am started to get a little worried about my lack of energy/stamina.

Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated.

Thank you,
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I agree with the anemia theory. I was anemic for almost three months after my surgery due to the blood loss. I would recommend goin to see a Hematologist to do blood work. I also would recommend drinking alot of water and possibly drinking some protein drinks to get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to absorb. Helped me out. P.S. I don't think anyone can answer your question how long the recovery is because it is different for everyone there is no standard recovery time.
I am still recovering....five months out.
I have good days and bad days.
Right now I am coming off a four day feel like crap marathon.
My whole body is weak and I don't have arthritis but if I did I suspect
this is what it would feel like.
But let me say this.
I think the reason my recovery is taking so long
is because of lack of sleep over the past three months.
I am lucky to get three hours in a row of sleep.
I wake in all over body pain. I do not know why.
My surgeon cannot explain it. But I deal with it
hoping it eventually fade away.
But as said in another post everyone is different
when it comes to recovery. And yes...drink as much water
as you can. And you have to eat. Start out with small meals.
Maybe four times a day. You don't have to stuff yourself.
But a small meal each time. These are things I do and it
seems to work well.
Now.....if I could figure out my sleep.
Good luck to you. Think positve.
Thanks everyone. I think I am having between 1 and 1-1/2 liters of output per day in my ostomy. I am trying to drink lots of water and I just added some Ensure yesterday to see if that helps. I will call my doctor tomorrow and see if he can do a blood test and urine test to check for anemia and dehydration, so we'll see how that turns out.

I am also having trouble sleeping which I'm sure isn't helping either. I get up about every 2-3 hours and am worried about the pouch so I go to check it and empty it. I also wake up with stomach pains every morning so I usually take a pain pill in the morning to help with that pain.

Thank you,
Pain pills can cause funky things (dizziness, loss of appetite included). So if you are taking any perscription ones, try to stop.

For hydration, try G2 with a salty snack (or G2 with 1/8 tsp of salt). Pedialyte is the same thing. You might want to ask about Imodium too. It slows things down on the digestive system so you can absorb more liquid. You shouldn't be over 1000cc/ml or 1L of output per day or you might be dehydrated.

I've had the feelings your describing with three "problems" - narcotics, dehydration, and anemia.
I disagree with 'drink lots of water', I don't drink straight water - drink liquids, but not water - you have a fairly high output - so drink rehydration fluid or sports drinks (make your own - St Marks solution - 6 teaspoons of glucose, 1 teaspoon salt, half teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate flavour with a cordial make up to 1 litre - drink ice cold! St Marks is a specialised hospital in London)
You certainly sound like I felt for months - but I wasn't anaemic - I was dehydrated and felt very light headed - I was also put on restricted fluids - the more I drank - the higher my output. I was restricted to 1 - 1.5 litres per day, and am now restricted to 2.5 litres per day now that I am 'well'. BUT - Do have your bloods checked - U's and E's as well as full blood count and CRP levels
Thanks again everyone. I had an appointment with my doctor this morning. He did a urine test which was fine and he took 3 vials of blood for testing. We should have results back tomorrow, he is testing for several things, including anemia. We will find out tomorrow. In the meantime, I have started drinking some Ensure and I had a Vitamin water yesterday. The problem with Vitamin water and Gatorade is that they seem to go right through me and into the pouch.
Gatorade and Vitamin Water are terrible hydration drinks. I wish they would quit advertising them as something healthy!

They have way too much sugar and are more for sports hydration for those who have a colon, NOT for electrolyte replenishment for folks who do not have a colon. High sugar drinks promote diarrhea, so you need to dilute them by half, or just avoid them. G2 is probably OK, but some people are sensitive to the artificial sweeteners. Just do not assume anything you buy in the store is OK for YOU.

You can get plenty of electrolytes in your food. Sip water, tea, or other minimally sweetented drinks throughout the day. Do not slam back full glasses at one time. That just overloads your system. It gets better as time goes on and your system adjusts, but you need to be careful the first 6-12 months.

Jan Smiler
I drink Propel Zero. That is Sugar Free and has Potossium and is also Low in Sodium. I think Nestles Water has flavored water but I do not know if they include Sugar.

Propel Zero has Zero Calories and 6 Vitimins to Energize.

Just take things really slow. I for instances wish I could make smoothies but they give me the trots so if you do have that, make a small portion to see how your body reacts to that. As one person posted, eat small meals.

Thanks everyone. All of my bloodwork came back normal so I am not anemic. The dizziness is still present but seems to be getting better. I am trying to take Jan's advice not to drink water (or anything) too quickly but I am so thirsty all of the time that I find myself drinking faster than I probably should.

Thank you to everyone.

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