Although I have a k pouch (abdominal stoma to empty my pouch) I can say only one thing...Everybody is different and if you start comparing yourself to others you will either be very happy, very worried or unhappy.
It took my body about 6 months to figure out that it had been rerouted and start absorbing liquids from the small intestine instead of from the 'missing' colon.
It took about another 2 yrs for me to feel like I started absorbing nutrients from the small bowel too...(although it is really its function and not the colon's...Things just seemed to run through so fast and then out that I was constantly cold, tired, sleepless and rundown)...but then again it could have just been being sick prior to the pouch surgery and the 5 surgeries/anesthetics in the same yr.
Take it slowly, follow the rules and be patient...this is a marathon, not a sprint.