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I have pouchitis right now. Not happy. I have had diarrhea for six days in a row. I eat and soon the diarrhea starts. Some stomache pain, leakage, night time incontinence, insomnia. Spoke with my doctor this morning and she prescibed Cipro. I hope it works fast. I am getting weeker. I did some reading and a diet that is low in carbs, sugar and artificial sweeteners may be beneficial to stave off pouchitis. I will be changing my diet. My question for now is, do I treat the diarrhea or the pouchitis? The diets for both are mostly opposites. I have tried anti-diahrreal medication and not working.

If anybody can give me some insight to how long it took for Cipro to work for you, I welcome any information. I am frustrated and feel like my quality of life is poor.

Thanks for taking the time to read.


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@Barb J posted:
 I did some reading and a diet that is low in carbs, sugar and artificial sweeteners may be beneficial to stave off pouchitis. I will be changing my diet. My question for now is, do I treat the diarrhea or the pouchitis?


Correctamundo on diets low in carbs, sugars and artificial sweeteners being helpful in reducing pouchitis.  As to your question, do you realize that cipro will treat both?  The diarrhea is a symptom of pouchitis and cipro will thicken your stool.  Do not take any stool thickeners until you see how thick they will get.  When I was on higher dosages of Cipro and tried taking Imodium, which I am sensitive to, I became constipated.  Constipation will exacerbate pouchitis.

  • Well, I had taken my first Cipro at 4:00 p.m. yesterday. Went to bed, woke up at ironically just before my next dose of Cipro. No bathroom issue at that time. Went back to bed and woke up around 7:00 a.m. and was super happy that my adult diaper was dry, no leakage! I felt so confident after dealing with these issues on-and-off since middle of May. I had toast with a tiny bit of butter and orange juice, I was craving it. A couple hours later stomache cramps and back to the bathroom. The stool was a little more thick, no liquid diarrhea that colors the bowl. I was a bit frustrated but I knew that it can take 24-48 hours thanks to CTBarrister's reply yesterday. I will see what happens today and tonight. Will post more news tomorrow. Thank you CTBarrister and Scott for taking the time to reply to my question. This is a great place to be to not feel so alone.
@Barb J posted:

My pouchitis is getting better. I only had the leakage due to the pouchitis. Do you take the regular or sugar-free Metamucil? Thank you for your response!

I’m glad you’re doing better! I don’t care for artificial sweeteners, so what I actually do is mix 1/2 dose of sugar-sweetened Metamucil with 1/2 dose of Konsyl original (unflavored psyllium). That keeps the sugar to a modest level without having it taste like actual sawdust.

@Barb J posted:

Where do you buy the Konsyl? I have not heard of it. I have been throwing out foods with fhe artificial sweeteners. I am really going to try to embrace a healthier diet. Thanks for the suggestion!

I buy Konsyl at CVS. If you can’t find it locally you can order it from the company ( One dose of Konsyl is a smaller volume than sugar-sweetened Metamucil. To quickly measure a half-dose of each I initially (just once) carefully measured the weight on a kitchen scale, and then poured it into *my* ordinary spoon to see how full a half-dose looks. Now I just eyeball it as a rounded “teaspoon” of Metamucil and a flattened “teaspoon” of Konsyl. 

One member here calls Konsyl his “daily dose of sawdust.”

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