susan--hope this is clear (am tired.) if not please ask me to clarify. or perhaps we could talk about this via phone as easier to answer your questions that way.
sugar and shellfish, for me, cause inflammation. if i consume either, even a tiny bit, i’ll bleed within six-eight hours. diet matters.
much of my pouchitis problem is due to ischemia, which was a result of the original surgery. a doc in nyc thinks all i need to do is have the pouch remade, by him, and i’m good to go. but i’ve always been diagnosed, by other docs, as having pouchitis in the pouch itself and not just where it was stapled together. my pouchitis symptoms were incontinence and bleeding and increased frequency. antibiotics worked until i was either allergic or refractory. was off of augmentin for close to a year, so am doing great on it now. but the situation isn’t sustainable and i’ve finally come to acknowledge that.
i’m not that well versed with paleo so not certain on the differences between the two diets. primarily they both reduce carbo intake. they both restrict beans, chickpeas and also gluten. there are differences, and i think much of the differences are because they are based on different theories of what is good for one to eat. consider that paleo is for the general public—well, those who buy into it—whereas lowFODMAP is targeted at those who suffer from SIBO. also, paleo is a life style and fodmap is an elimination diet for 6-8 weeks after which one tests out the foods they can tolerate. (i’ll add my two cents/non-tested theory. does it not make sense that the small intestine takes over part of the colon’s role of absorbing liquid? SI not designed to do that and perhaps that’s why some of us—after colon is removed—develop SIBO, which is a condition caused, in part, by osmotic changes i.e. water pulled into the gut.)
paleo, for example, disallows dairy, whereas fodmappers can eat it, if not lactose intolerant and/or can eat certain types. paleo do not eat potatoes or quinuoa, but fodmappers do. i had to look that last category up, and while doing so found this on a paleo site, which makes me not want to eat quinuoa:
Quinoa seeds may contain very high concentrations (up to 5,000 mg/kg) of compounds known as saponins, which like the name implies, have soap like properties they may cause a “leaky” gut by breaking down intestinal cell membranes. I believe that a leaky gut promotes chronic low levelinflammation and likely represents a necessary step in the development of autoimmune diseases.
lowFODMAP basic info and links are below.
here is some basic info, from:
for 250$ you can get a consult with her, maybe it was 150$. only recall it was expensive. i had one session.
monash university developed the lowFODMAP diet, and they have an app for it, which is invaluable if you are going to attempt the diet. there is an apple version, below, and also android. lots of info on the monash site.
thanks for the good wishes. i greatly appreciate your support and others from this forum. janet
what are your cats’ names? they are pretty.