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My colon removal was an emergency surgery with a long scar.

I was wondering, from those of you who have had c-sections, how does the pain and HEALING of the c-section compare to that of the original colon removal and take down surgeries? How do you feel afterward in comparison to the colon surgeries?

Also, after a c-section, did you find that your stomach skin did not return back to normal? I have read a few women describing their post-baby bellies like the jowls of an old hound dog! Please tell me-- does it look that bad? Will the skin ever return back to normal, or should a tummy tuck be part of the long-term plan?

Thanks so much everyone! (I'm not pregnant, but just pondering it all over, and it really is good to know!)
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I have had both... Two c sections followed by Lapo colectomy. My stomach will never be the same. I have loose skin with stretch marks from pregnancies and with the pouch I am now a bit bloated in lower abdomen all the time. Everyone is different but to be honest, my stomach is nothing I would care to flaunt or expose. Other than that, I am still thin and in good physical shape at 50. Btw, I think my stretch marks are because I am very thin and small waisted and gained 50 lbs w both pregnancies where the bulk went right to my abdomen. My belly was huge and I carried a lot of water weight in abdomen also. My stretch marks could have nothing to do w the c sections and more to do w the bug belly.
The C section was definitely easier.

It took a bit of time, but my post pregnancy stomach returned to its pre-pregnancy state. I have no stretch marks (that can be hereditary... My mom never got them, either). I am small (5'2") and weighed about 115lbs when I got pregnant, went up to 170lbs (yikes... Lots of water weight, too), but all decompressed back to my normal in about 3-6 months. I breast fed and walked with the kid constantly, she was always in her Snugli, strapped to my chest.
I thought the c section was pretty easy. I was very healthy going into it so I'm sure that helped. Also, I breastfed, which I was told releases something in the body to help the healing process. Then there was the added cool thing of having a new baby Smiler
The colon removal wasn't that bad for me either, probably because I felt soooo horrible and had so many colitis induced symptoms. Those all went away! I was in the hospital for 4 days (same as the c section). I think they were pretty comparable for me, maybe the c section was a bit easier.
I barely noticed the c-section. Compared to the colectomy, it was no worse than a dentist appointment! I requested a horizontal cut even though I have had four midline surgeries (vertical cut) because I heard they were much easier to heal from, and it was. Easy-peasy. I breastfed and was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight within 3 months. My tummy was a mess prior to pregnancy, so I can't say any changes bothered me. I'd rather have the scars than be dead, I guess!
I had my c-section 10 years before my colectomy and j-pouch. Piece of cake in comparison. I even had my boy room in with me, because the nursery was full. Not a problem, once the spinal wore off enough for me to walk!

Whatever your difficulties, having a new baby to focus on will make them all seem so unimportant (especially what your belly looks like!). After pregnancy #2 (which was a vaginal delivery), my belly was more baggy and saggy, but he was a bigger baby. The younger you are, the more likely it is that your belly will eventually resemble your prepregnancy appearance. Just know that, it never is truly the same (that is the way it normally goes). I just consider it good enough. We were designed to make babies, not swimsuit ads!

But, yeah, tummy tucks are there for you if you need it. I would just cross that bridge if you come to it, rather than assume you will need it.

Jan Smiler
My incision for the c-section was vertical because I had 3 previous abdominal surgeries and was cut open 3 times vertically. My OB did not want to make an horizontal incision on me.

I am not a good person to talk to about if the j-pouch or c-section was worse. I had horrible complications after both. I am fortunate I have a healthy daughter and that I am doing much better health wise.

My stomach is now back to "normal". It took time though.
C-Section was nuthin' compared to the colectomy. It was more on the level of the loop ileostomy take down. Sure, you have an incision to care for, but nothing like have your entire inside being cut up.

The ONLY thing that was maybe remotely worse was being awake during the surgery prep! I got soooooo nervous since I didn't want to take any sedatives before the baby came. My OB assured me I would feel fine once I heard/saw the baby, which was totally true. I could have been cut in half and not cared as long as I had my baby in my arms Smiler

Oh, and my stomach is totally back to normal. We'll see after a few more kids...

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